To quote Macbeth: “It is tale by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” That pretty much sums up day three.

Bill Clinton demonstrated that he is about four years behind Magoo in the dementia sweepstakes. He sounded awful. Got lost several times, fumbled words and said absolutely nothing of substance. His whole speech was saying we have to elect SK to fix what SK broke? He also thought he was clever taking shots at Trump but he wasn’t clever at all and if you noticed the audience rarely got excited about his empty rhetoric. He was a shadow of his former self.

Shapiro demonstrated why SK didn’t pick him. Not only is he a Jew, but he would clearly overshadow her. He’s actually lucky she didn’t pick him because he has a future now. He has charisma and a good imitation of Obama, but as I said at the beginning, he said nothing. Just empty platitudes.

Oprah was much the same and wasted a lot of time talking about stuff from decades ago and just more empty platitudes. What amazes me is how people on the left think that abortion is the single most important issue in the country. Forget if you can afford food and shelter or if you can safely leave your house. As I’ve said before, there is no reason that any woman should become pregnant if she doesn’t want to other than rape or incest and those are exceptions in virtually every abortion statute.

Now for Tampon Tim. He was actually better than I expected because he didn’t do anything completely stupid. He glossed over his stolen valor and his lies about IVF being responsible for his family. He said nothing of substance but didn’t put his foot in his mouth. He lied about a lot things but I’m sure that the Republicans will point out. One thing he said that struck me was an implication that Trump and republicans want to be in your bedroom. That’s just total bs. Abortion has nothing to do with controlling your sex life. It’s about what to do with the results of your actions. You’re free to do whatever you want to do in the bedroom. And once again he ran against project 2025 because he can’t run against Trump’s real policies.