The three words that could make SK (yeah I’ve shortened it because I’m lazy) implode. When she says stupid stuff like snatching your patents simply ask her and then what? Does she plan to build a government factory to produce the pharmaceuticals or just permanently ban the specific drug at issue or hire some other company to do it, and I have serious doubts that other pharmaceutical manufacturers will cooperate. Maybe she plans to ask China or India to produce it. So what are the people who need the drug supposed to do for a year or more while she plays around. And I don’t want to throw in the fact that she in all likelihood can’t legally do it.

This is just one example and I’m sure you could all point out others but the point is she’s all hot air leftists talking points. She’s never even thought about how she could implement them. So in the debate Trump just has to use those three little words to call her bluff.