Today she gave a policy speech on the economy in which she demonstrated that she knows nothing about economics. I won’t bother to cover all her nonsense and lies. You can find that anywhere. Even CNN and WAPO said her price fixing won’t work and is communism. She again ran against Project 2025 because she can’t run against Trump’s record.

When she said price gauging instead of price gouging, it showed that she undoubtedly didn’t write a word of her speech and when she didn’t correct herself it demonstrated how little she knows about what she was trying to say. Nobody says that and doesn’t correct themselves.

The one thing that struck me was something I covered a few years ago. Remember when they put in a $7000 credit for buying an EV and the next day they raised the prices of EV’s by $7000. What do you think will happen to the price of houses if they give $25000 to buyers?

And lastly she didn’t explain how she was going to pay for any of her nonsense. Raising taxes on corporations doesn’t do anything for inflation except make it worse. The corporations will just pass it on to consumers and so prices will go up. She didn’t explain why she isn’t doing all these wonderful ideas now. She’s been in office for almost four years and it’s her administration that caused all the problems that she suddenly can fix but you need to suffer six more months because if she tried now she would face plant. This idiot is dumb as a stump and just spouts communist talking points.

The thing that is scary to me is that as I discovered after the midterms all the idiots on the left, aided by the presstitutes, don’t have a clue to reality. The mistake I made back then was that I naively believed that everyone knew what we did. They’re low information and disinformation morons. Trump has got to reach them or we could end up with the two dumbest people to ever run the country and in that case I feel sorry for our children and grandchildren. Most of us won’t be around long enough to bear the brunt of her bullshit, and I do take some comfort from the fact that I believe we will hold the house and maybe take back the senate which would render all her nonsense DOA.