I’m pretty sure I have commented on this before. Probably on calling out Rush for his ridiculous Foghorn Leghorn impression referring to a southern accent. Maybe that was appropriate a hundred years ago. I don’t know because I wasn’t alive back then but I’ve never heard anyone talk like that. I have a southern accent and it sounds nothing like that. I actually didn’t realize that I had it until many people pointed it out when I moved north. In fact in one case I tried a witness said he received a call from someone who talked in a fake southern accent and I asked him what that sounded like because I had one and he obviously had no clue and it got a chuckle from the gallery. And one of you was there and can verify it. She could also verify that she complained about it because she equated it with some low class thing. She’s not from the south.

So the point of this rant is about Kamala trying to fake one in Atlanta. She was dreadful and everyone commented about her being a fake and she was but they didn’t comment on what they should have because apparently they don’t know an actual southern accent either. Many even on Fox News said that she said y’all. She didn’t. She said you all. Watch it back. You all isn’t southern. Y’all is and for a group it’s all y’all. And the rest of her faux accent sounded like a combination of redneck and poor black dialogue. I don’t know any educated southerners who say gonna do it. So if you’re going to make fun of us at least get it right.

Like I said it’s a pet peeve and I only commented on it because there hasn’t been anything worth commenting on for a few days and I wanted you to know I’m still alive.

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