Monthly Archives: July 2024


I was going to rant about two issues that came out of the Supreme Court today and not the immunity decision and I will but Magoo had to come out and show just how shallow he is. The decision should have been welcomed by him because of all the illegal activities he has engaged in including defying Supreme Court decisions and ignoring laws at the border which has resulted in the deaths of citizens. Instead he took the myopic view that basically anything that is potentially beneficial to Trump must be destroyed. He even lamented that the decision will in all likelihood keep Trump from being tried before the election and thereby denying the American voters the truth about J6. I thought that’s what the J6 phony committee was supposed to do. The only way that it makes any sense is if as I mentioned to a couple of you today and previously posited here is that he plans to pardon himself before he leaves office.

And as I’ve previously said, Magoo’s ability to stand at a podium and read off a teleprompter does absolutely nothing to dispel the disaster that was last Thursday. If he answered unscripted questions, it might have an effect but he didn’t even answer scripted questions.

Now for what I planned on commenting on. Two things happened today at the Supremes. One you probably heard about and the other you probably didn’t. First Justice Thomas issued a concurring opinion in the immunity case in which he questioned the legality of Jack Smith’s appointment as special counsel which is already being challenged in the documents case and I predict that the judge will rule in Trump’s favor on that issue which will destroy both that case but also what’s left of the DC case.

Now what you probably didn’t see was another decision slapping down the administrative state. The court ruled that the statute of limitations in the Administrative Procedure Act, six years, doesn’t begin to run until a party was affected by the rule at issue. Previously the law had been interpreted to start the limitations period from the date the rule was promulgated. This caused obvious problems. First if you went to court to challenge before you had actually been harmed, your case would be dismissed because of a lack of standing. On the other hand, as was the case in this case, if you entered into a business that was affected by the rule but more than six years after the promulgation date you couldn’t challenge it.

Of course the left Dei pick KBJ was just upset because it might hamper the swamp. YES! But as was pointed out by either another justice or a pundit, I don’t remember which, it shouldn’t be a problem if agencies promulgate rules that are within their authority and factually defensible.


One of you TC responded and said about my last rant with that phrase and I assumed he was referring to Ron White and I was embarrassed for not having used that phrase. Ron White was a member of the Redneck Comedy tour but more importantly a stand up comedian for decades. He has a show with the above name. I have had the dvd for many years and watch it several times a year. Close to the beginning when talking about his wife who he loves and he believes is very intelligent, and I’m paraphrasing here, said that as she gets older you can fix certain things. If her boobs sag, you can go to a doctor and say that I want those boobs on this woman and she can have tits that are as perky as an 18 year old. If her butt begins to sag you can have a butt lift and likewise a face lift and a tummy tuck and lazik surgery to restore her vision to better than its ever been but YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID! And that’s the problem Magoo has.

He has always been stupid and no amount of preparation can change that. I can’t emphasize enough how Magoo is incapable of preparing for a debate. The necessary prerequisite is the ability to respond on things that he’s not prepared for. Listen I have been in several debates and appellate court hearings and more importantly trials. I can assure you that the most important ability is the ability to respond in real time to what the other side puts forward. Magoo doesn’t now nor ever had it. If you look back at any of his previous ‘debates’ or public interactions his response was never substantive but something like fat or dog faced pony soldier.

And adding to his problems. frequently Trump didn’t directly answer questions but shifted to what he wanted to address and you could see the lighting bolts coming out of Magoo’s head as he short circuited.

I’m addressing this again because I still haven’t seen anyone point out my point that you have to be fast on your feet and can’t totally prepare for a debate. You can’t fix stupid!

The nonsense that he had a bad night is just that. Obama had a bad night and had a second bad night until Crawley falsely saved him and Fetterman had a bad night and has continued to improve from his stroke. Magoo is and has always been stupid and you can’t fix that. And his dementia will only continue to make it worse at an increasing rate.