First he didn’t say anything about why he was quitting the race. He gave a stupid slurred speech and he did it from the Oval Office where traditionally the president comes on SITTING and ends SITTING. As I’ve said previously he’s barely able to walk and it’s getting worse by the day.

Next he looked weird and stiff and his eyes were glassy which explains why I noticed that there was something wrong with his left eyebrow. On the internet it was noticed that his faced was bruised.

And this could explain why he was whisked away from Las Vegas and kept out of sight for days. It’s been reported by Tucker and I think Guy Benson that Magoo had some kind of medical incident in Vegas that necessitated him being flown home immediately and kept him from going to a hospital there because then it would have been much harder to cover up because too many people would have known about it. A fall would explain it all. And it would have ended his campaign.