Although Magoo wants to stay asleep at the switch until January, I don’t think they will let him and it’s not because of his mental problems. He’s been mentally deficient for his entire presidency and whoever has been actually making the decisions could continue to make them.

I think that the Dems won’t be able to pass up the chance to have the first woman president and the first woman of color, although I’m not sure what that color is, be a Dem, an unelected Dem, but still a Dem and it would add a little help for the next election by granting the cackler in chief incumbency. I don’t think it will help much but it could help a little. They won’t be able to pass this up and Magoo could bow out gracefully claiming medical problems.

If he stays in, they will either have to keep him in the basement for the next 6 months or have him demonstrate how bad his condition deteriorates every day. Remember I predicted that Magoo wouldn’t be able to get up the little boy stairs at the back of AF One by September. Last night one of the Fox News pundits predicted that he wouldn’t be able to walk on stage for the Dem convention in August.