And one that I can agree with because it makes perfect sense. Now as we all know the Dems are planning to cheat their way into the Oval Office again. The article or maybe it was just a comment from some pundit says that Magoo’s numbers are so bad and will continue to drop as his mental decline accelerates that the voters will not believe that he could possibly win. Last time the race was very close and so while a lot of voters had questions, it was not outside the range of possibility. This time they won’t buy it. And so Joe’s got to go. They need a candidate that can at least be close enough that they can successfully cheat again. The push to get Magoo has nothing to do with his mental state. They only care about remaining in power.

They have already begun trying to set up the cheat. They want to put unmanned ballot boxes in urban areas in Michigan which is contrary to either constitutional law or statutes and this time the republicans have filed suit now instead of waiting until after when we know they will be dismissed. There are many other examples but the important thing is that this time the Republicans are being proactive. And I have my doubts that whoever they replace him with will poll any better and make the cheat impossible. Let’s hope!