First I still haven’t wrapped my head around what would have happened if the assassination had been successful. Who would be our nominee? Would it have guaranteed a second Magoo term? Or have resulted in a Republican landslide? Would it have led to more violence? I have no answers and thank God I don’t have to find out.

Now I need to recognize that my prediction that the attempt would lead to Magoo being the Dem nominee and all the momentum to oust him had vanished. However even Schitt is now saying that Joe must go because it will lead to a Republican landslide up and down the ballot. And the reason is that Magoo didn’t do what he should have done and lay low. Instead he continued his effort to try and prove that he’s not a moron and up to a second term by having daily events and interviews and with each one it becomes more apparent that he’s brain dead.

Now if you didn’t see it today, Sean Davis in The Federalist laid out the evidence for his belief that Magoo and his administration are responsible for the assassination attempt.

Now to talk about the convention today. Sanders and Carson and DeSantis and Lara Trump and Youngkin gave outstanding speeches. As is always the case Vivek was head and shoulders above the rest. He remains head and shoulders above the rest. He is the most intelligent and most eloquent of any of them and brought the entire convention to its feet throughout his speech. Nikki Haley was lame and gave a half hearted endorsement of Trump. She must be aiming for a position in the administration.

The most important thing in my mind was the speeches by every day Americans. This is something that the Dems can’t do. What are they going to do, bring out some well off person thanking Magoo for transferring their student debt to all of us? The thing along with their stories that really struck me is how they were able to deliver their message before a huge audience. Now a few might have gotten some experience from frequently addressing the press about their stories but most were not people who had much in the way of public speaking experience. And I can assure you and as I’m sure you know, this is not an easy thing to do. For most people it takes a lot of practice and experience to do it. And then it’s still a very difficult job. They all did admiral jobs and bought tears to everyone’s eyes. Big shoutout to them and the Republicans deserve kudos for putting them on.