I still don’t know who was ultimately responsible for this debacle but I have some thoughts and questions. First they have still not ruled out a second shooter. I don’t mean someone who actually fired because we would probably have heard of it by now but on the other hand the deep state told us for decades that Oswald acted alone but now we know the grassy knoll shooter was a reality. And if there was a second potential shooter then I would lean toward the CIA because they’ve done it before with JFK and they are dead set against Trump because I guarantee that he will eviscerate them and restore our intelligence agencies to doing what they’re supposed to do and not targeting us and interfering with our elections.

Next I’m questioning the Secret Service. I’d refer to them as the SS as one of you has done in text messages, but that designation has connotations that I don’t want to make. First there is absolutely no credible way that they didn’t have their own assets on that roof. It was the closest site with a clear unobstructed line of sight to Trump. Even a moron would have taken that roof out out of play. So why didn’t they?

Now for some facts you may not know. The secret service was created in 1865 as part of the Department of the Treasury and was for the first 40 years of its existence primarily involved in countering counterfeiting. In the early nineteen hundreds it was also tasked with presidential protection after the assassination of McKinley. And going forward that task was continually expanded to more positions and lifetime coverage.

In 2003 it was transferred from Treasury to Homeland Security where it is today effectively putting Mayorkas in charge of Trump’s security. And Cheatle the Director of the Secret Service has repeatedly refused requests for more protection for Trump and so has Mayorkas. Bongino has credibly reported this based on his contacts within the Secret Service and he is a member of that fraternity.

Cheatle, a female DEI appointment herself, has prioritized hiring more women and lowered standards to bring that about. Competence is no longer important when that should be the only consideration when protection of a president or former president should be the only consideration. As a point of consideration, there were women who didn’t appear to know what they were supposed to do and in one case the female agent who was part of the scrum that was supposed cover Trump and she did her job but only came up to his chin leaving his face exposed to further fire. The number one requirement for the detail tasked with putting themselves in the line of fire to protect the president must be at least as tall as the president. What good does it do to have a group walking the president to the protection of his vehicle if he’s taller than they are?

So I think you could say that Magoo was responsible and today it appears that he benefited. He was having a very difficult two weeks and was being pushed out of running. Today his team and supporters are saying that the coup is now dead and Magoo is and will be the candidate.