I thought that the left would circle the wagons around Magoo after his moronic NATO speech on Tuesday but that didn’t happen and I posited that was because they were waiting for his ‘big boy’ presser last night and they didn’t disappoint. When he didn’t fall down or totally freeze for a few seconds, although as I pointed out last night he did frequently lose his train of thought saying anyway, they rallied around him claiming that his nonsense was a masterclass in foreign policy and national security. (The above was written before Gutfeld where some of it was covered but I’ll finish it ANYWAY.) As Robert Gates once said, Magoo has been on the wrong side of every major foreign policy and national security issue for four decades. So how does this now brain dead moron suddenly deliver a masterclass in anything much less foreign policy?

Answer, he doesn’t and didn’t. Please tell me what brilliant insights he espoused. He didn’t actually answer any of the pre approved questions. Tell me what brilliant idea he has to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon which was actually approved by the O’biden administration. What is his actual position on Israel versus Hamas? He’s trying to appease both sides to try to get votes from both the Jews and the antisemites. Good luck.

He said he didn’t want Ukraine to be able to bomb Moscow but apparently has no problem with Putin bombing Kiev. Explain that. My only answer is maybe he’s concerned that the wife of the former mayor of Moscow won’t ship $3.5 million more to his family.

What’s he doing to stop China from continuing to eat our lunch? Nothing because he and his family have been given millions by China and its state owned companies.

Why is North Korea ramping up its nuclear tests and ICBM testing? I don’t recall this mastermind telling us.

And I already discussed his nonsense about our relationship with NATO.

So please explain what masterclass he gave. It would not qualify as a poor foreign policy 101 class.