And I’m sure you will agree with me. By tomorrow the left media will be all in on Magoo again. They will proclaim his speech tonight as proof that he’s got it going on. Nothing could be further from the truth. As I have said repeatedly, reading off a teleprompter or note cards doesn’t prove anything. Usually he even screws that up but he got through this one without any real screw ups. He was the same mush mouthed idiot he always is and he shouted out the whole thing for no apparent reason. I find that very off putting and ineffective. My speech has always been described as conversational, and I think you could say the same thing about Trump. He doesn’t scream and shout.

Now I think the reason that Magoo does it is that he thinks like putting on the aviators and turning up his collar it makes him look and sound macho. Nothing could be further from the truth. And now for the ultimate irony, if I remember correctly, Hitler screamed his speeches. Yeah the idiot who constantly compares Trump to Hitler is the one emulating him.