The left has gone back to this woman as their savior. Since she’s a black woman she could blunt any black lash from passing over Kamala and now polls are apparently showing that she is the only one who could beat Trump. Don’t be fooled. These polls are based on an image painting her as the second coming of Lady Di. Nothing could be further from the truth. And she will never run.

Listen she is a lightweight with no accomplishments to her credit. She has it made. They have oceanfront mansions in Hawaii and Martha’s Vineyard and another in the Kalorama area of DC, a very wealthy enclave only a few miles from the White House. They are worth over a hundred million dollars which resulted from book advances and tv projects that no one will ever read or see. She and Barry are treated like royalty every where they go by a complicit press. Why would she give that up?

And now for the overriding reason that she has no interest. She’s never run for or been elected to anything. She’s only ruined school lunches. And most importantly, SHE’S NEVER BEEN VETTED. As I have said before she’s not particularly bright and has been treated with kid gloves. If she becomes the Dem nominee, rest assured that Trump will pull no punches and eviscerate her. And her poll numbers will tank. You can believe that Trump has people putting together damning opposition research. She won’t allow her unjustified image to be destroyed to try to get a job she doesn’t want. Why have everything you do scrutinized every day? She has it made living like a retired queen doing anything or nothing without being challenged. She will not give that up and neither would you!