Two things that have come up since the debate. First, although many people thought that Magoo would be given the questions before the debate and he might have, but yesterday several articles appeared quoting Erin somebody saying in disparaging Magoo that his performance was particularly bad since he knew that these questions were going to be asked. Now I didn’t see any follow up articles today because I think they realized what I did from the start. Taken in context she was merely stating the obvious. Namely all of us knew or had a pretty good idea what the questions were going to be about. There were no questions out of left field. All were expected and he still failed open. Which leads me to my second point.

Magoo came out yesterday and said he would be debating again in September and many said that Trump should refuse. My initial reaction was that Magoo might do considerably better but then I remembered the point I made yesterday. This was as good as he’s going to get. In fact in three months he’s going to be worse. Yes he might be given higher doses of drugs and so be loud but he’ll still be dumb and yesterday’s performance here didn’t change anything. He was reading off a teleprompter and still screwed up. Shouting nonsense is still nonsense. Remember my point. Magoo will have no notes and spend half his time having to respond off the cuff to whatever Trump says. He doesn’t have the ability to do that and it will only get worse before September. He’s always been stupid and no amount of drugs is going to make him smart!