Okay it’s Fauci but really what’s the difference? I have talked about counter factual before, look it up, but kudos to Bongino for actually putting the phrase to the phenomenon. I talked about it several times but didn’t know what to call it until Bongino explained it on his radio program. So what is counter factual? Just to remind you it is a statement that is incapable of proof. Like if you got or didn’t get the shot your outcome would have been different. There is absolutely no way to know what would have happened to me if I got Covid. I might have had no symptoms or maybe died but you can’t possibly know before it happened. I don’t get flu shots and, knock on wood, I don’t get the flu! I got two pneumonia vaccines and I got pneumonia and you guessed it my doctor told me that if I hadn’t got the vaccine I would have ended up in the hospital. There is absolutely no way he could prove that. It’s counter factual!

So what’s the point of this rant? Today Mengele testified on Capitol Hill and nobody called him out for his bullshit. He was asked about the fact that the ‘vaccines’ didn’t prevent getting or spreading Covid and his response was that in the early days it prevented many deaths. Really? Nobody followed up and said prove it! Tell me what studies you have that prove that! Or is this just like everything you have said SWAG?

Similarly, Mengele said when asked specifically about various things he advocated for like social distancing, which he admitted was just made up and I said so at the time, and masking kids and other things that it was what was necessary at the time. Nobody again said give me the studies that support that. He couldn’t because there are none! And don’t forget as I have pointed out several times, and I am still the only person to have picked it up, Dr Birx said there is no data to support what we’re doing but this is our guess for what needs to be done.

It’s time for someone with a brain to be elected to congress. Many of them are supposedly people who are former lawyers and even federal prosecutors, but none of them appear to be even remotely competent. Get your shit together and actually know what you’re doing!