Why do I say this? Because of their actions not their words. They keep insisting that the polls are wrong and complain that we just don’t understand how much Magoo has done for us. But their actions tell a different story. They are trying to rush through many regulations that no one wants mostly under the guise of climate change. They are putting in regulations to make it harder to fire political rats they are burrowing into the swamp. And in the biggest tell of all, Magoo is planning to sign an agreement that would turn over our sovereignty to the will of the WHO — a Chinese controlled entity. The good news is that it won’t be a treaty because it would never be ratified by the senate. So just like the Paris climate nonsense, Trump could withdraw on day one.

But there is no reason that they would be trying to rush things through, in many instances contrary to required procedures and laws unless they were really concerned that they only have a few months left.