In case you don’t know who this idiot is, and I’m pretty sure I’ve commented before, he’s either a freshman or sophomore congressman from New York who will say anything to support Magoo’s incompetence and agenda. The most recent was on Friday and still being lazy I didn’t get around to it until today. He said that the fact that Trump had been under investigation for a long time proves that there is no two tiered system of justice or election interring lawfare. While many commented on his stupidity, I haven’t seen anyone comment on the thing that struck me immediately. Namely that his very statement proves election interring lawfare is happening. You don’t wait to get indictments and try matters that have been known for a long time in the middle of an election unless you’re trying to interfere in that election. You could have brought the cases many years ago but didn’t. Hell the Stormy Daniels stuff was known before the 2016 election and I’m sure I commented on it back then. So why wait till now? To interfere in the upcoming election!