As I’m sure you saw yesterday, there was a video of a guy catching and removing an alligator. Tyrus commented and if I heard correctly, he said he had wrestled gators before and probably illegally owned a few.

Now having grown up in Florida and being a Gator myself, I thought I would share three things that you may not know about gators. First and surprisingly they are very fast and can outrun a lot of us. They can run at 20-30 mph. Fortunately, they don’t have great stamina and can only last maybe twenty to thirty yards.

Secondly, they can really only run in a straight line. They aren’t worth a damn at turning so just zigzag and laugh. Oh and here’s a point that isn’t in my three. Their tails are extremely delicious and dangerous. They can break your leg if they hit it with their tail.

And now the last thing that I didn’t see mentioned yesterday pertains to the musculature of their mouths. They have tremendous bite strength but they have little strength in opening their mouth. You can literally hold their mouths shut with two fingers. I have seen it done.

I’m pretty sure I’ll have some good stuff tomorrow.