Monthly Archives: March 2023


I haven’t commented previously because I’m not a banking expert but it has become clear that this bank was run by woke idiots who made many bad investments and the chickens came home to roost. I do know something about securities law and the bank president who sold $3.5 million shortly before the bank failed needs to be prosecuted.

But that’s not the reason for this rant. I am concerned about the potential bailouts. Listen I think that depositors should be protected to a certain extent and I will say up to one million dollars. The reason I’m for this is because the $250,000 insurance was set when the FDIC came into existence in 1933 and at that time it was a fortune during the depression. Although no one reading this would turn it down, that is a modest amount of money today and so I think the law should be amended to raise the insured amount to one million.

Now in case you didn’t know it, each of your accounts are insured up to my preference of $1 million. Checking and savings accounts are considered to be the same account, joint accounts are considered to be different accounts and you could also set up trust accounts but I don’t want to get into the weeds. The point is that under my proposal you could deposit the million in your account and your spouse could deposit another million in her account and then you could put another million into a joint account and it would all be assured. You could also do the same thing at as many separate banks as you want and it would all be insured.

So here’s my point, I have no problem covering depositors up to a point but I have no interest in bailing out investors in the bank. They are no different than investors in any corporation. If the corporation goes under, you are SOL. You should have done your due diligence and I don’t feel sorry for you.

If we and yes I mean we bailout the shareholders then all we are doing is rewarding bad decisions and that will lead to more bad decisions because we will have indicated that you will never pay the consequences of your actions.

Getting back to my previous point, if you have millions of dollars and don’t know anything about investing or whatever, and unfortunately too many don’t, hire a financial planner and don’t be an idiot.

And one final thing that really makes me in favor of limiting depositors recovery to a million is that apparently Harry and Megan had a huge amount in that bank!


Listen back in my day Harvard and Yale and Stanford and Michigan and Virginia and Duke were considered the best law schools in America and it was maybe true but only because of reputation not education but at least they still taught law not woke. I have tried several cases against Harvard grads and I can guarantee you that somehow in the beginning of the case they would make that known thinking that they got a foot up because of it. And not to brag, but I never lost to any of them. When it got down to the trenches they weren’t very good. They thought they were entitled.

Fast forward to today, as we just saw at Stanford, these students are not being educated in the law. They are being indoctrinated in woke, socialist, crt nonsense and not the law and are rude assholes. We had Chief Justice William Rehnquist address us and no one on either side of the aisle would have considered acting the fool. They would have been booed and most likely kicked out of law school.

So here’s my point this generation of woke idiots are in for a rude awakening when they enter the arena and are forced to engage with attorneys who don’t bow to their nonsense because they don’t know how to actually engage in an argument. They will fail miserably because their supposed elite law school is a woke fraud and whoa be to their clients who thinks a box check has any value.

PS. In one case the Harvard idiots submitted a brief in which they claimed that the Supreme Court held x and in their brief they quoted the decision by quoting a piece of the decision followed by the three dots …and then continuing with the decision. Unfortunately for them, the omitted text actually held the opposite. And when we filed our brief pointing out their lie, they actually said to me that they were surprised we caught it because they didn’t think we were smart enough to catch it. You can imagine that after that it was scorched earth and we easily won.


I came across this yesterday and thought I’d put it up because one of you thinks she could be president and I think not only does she not want to give up her royal like unearned life style but she has absolutely no desire to have the gloves come off and her mediocrity at best be exposed.

PS. There is a reference to her having to surrender her law license and I checked it out and it’s not true. She still has a valid license in Illinois but she went to inactive status in 1993 because she didn’t intend to practice anymore and thus didn’t want to pay all the annual dues etc and have to take continuing legal education classes.


All right it’s been the topic of mirth for the last few days that the IRS put out some new guidance on reporting as income the value of the property stolen and I’ve been kind of amused that the talking heads didn’t know this is nothing new. I remember when I took tax in law school 50 years ago it was always the rule that you had to report all income — ill gotten or legitimate. It’s nothing new and if these morons think otherwise they need to quit.

PS I remember one case where a man won big at the track and didn’t report it and his defense in court was that it just offset his losses at the track and he presented a bunch of losing tickets and the court didn’t buy it noting that they had shoe prints and various indications that he had just gone around scarfing up losing tickets that had been thrown on the ground.


Here’s how I know Tucker releasing the videos destroyed the J6 committee bs. Yesterday I told you that Bennie Thompson, chairman of J6, said he was standing by their presentation even though the Tucker videos clearly show that Sicknick wasn’t killed, the shaman wasn’t violent and Hawley wasn’t a coward and nobody was buying it so Bennie came out today and said the committee members didn’t actually see any of the video but delegated it to the producer and minions no doubt with directions to piece together the most damning video you can. Cut, edit add sound and music to get Trump et al.

They had the videos for 26 months but were too busy or more likely too lazy to do their job. They only wanted to create a false narrative and then prevent anyone else from getting access to the truth.


I saw earlier today and believe I have previously ranted about that the real reason that Fauci and his ilk were adamant about poo pooing Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine was because the vaccines were approved under Emergency Use Authorization and that’s still the case and that authorization can only be granted if there is no present treatment that is effective. So if they recognized these treatments the vaccines would not be approved. Follow the money. Fauci and friends got royalties.


One thing I forgot to mention is that I would love to see the video of what Pelosi and Schumer and Cheney and Schitt et al were actually doing. Schumer who lies about everything said today that as we all saw on the video he was forced to run for his life. First if we had seen such video, I’m sure we would all remember it and it would be shown continuously. Second, I don’t believe for a second that that moron could run anywhere.

PS I’d pay money to see Nadler run!


I heard today a very funny thing. Novak is once again being denied entry to play tennis and it’s because of Magoo’s executive fiat. He wants to play in the Miami Open which starts in a couple weeks but Magoo won’t grant a waiver because he’s an idiot. Today De Santis said that the fiat only applies to air travel and therefore if Novak wants to take a plane to the Bahamas he will supply the boat to bring him to Florida. I’m guessing that Florida has a few confiscated cigar boats that could make the trip short and fun.

Anyway I would like to see this come together and then see how long it would take Magoo to reconsider his bs. He’s being shown up by potential opponent in 2024.

BTW Novak could fly to Toronto. Drive to buffalo and then fly to Miami.


I have watched all of the Tucker revelations and the meltdown on the left. First in response to a question from one of you who asked what I think about all the criticism Tucker is getting for his video releases and I think it means he’s on target. Remember I said a couple weeks ago that the left would go crazy and the day after it was announced that Tucker was getting access Schitt and Kinzenger and many others came out already complaining that he would provide false and deceptive video.

Now the video eviscerated the J6 committee bs. First it clearly showed that Sicknick was alive and well hours after he was supposedly bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher. Total bs but was repeated again today by Schumer and Garland and continuously by Magoo. The video doesn’t lie and unlike the J6 committee videos wasn’t doctored which Tucker pointed out J6 did. In fact they selectively edited video and in fact added sound to some videos putting in screams and other noise.

Maybe the most outrageous was taking a snippet of video showing Josh Hawley fleeing the building apparently by himself and looking cowardly. It was played on a loop to try to discredit Hawley. Tucker played the whole unedited segment and a group was herded by the cops and Hawley was at the very back and today when Bennie Thompson, head of J6, was asked about it he said he stands by their video and there was no editing. Believe your lying eyes or this gasbag!

The other thing that came out is something I’m sure you already knew. It was mostly peaceful. The QAnon Shaman was escorted by several cops who even opened doors for him. I never knew that before because it was always portrayed as if he fought his way through the capitol. Obviously not true but shortly after the event I saw video of the cops opening doors and letting protesters in and also guiding them around.

Tucker made the point that it was obviously mostly peaceful is obviously true. Tens of thousands of protesters were at the Capitol and only 1000 have been arrested and most for bs trespassing charges. Very few with weapons charges and none with gun charges. I don’t know if a few people had pocket knives but most charges were because they were carrying flags which the garland goons determined could have been used as a weapon.

Now I was going to rant about Ray Epps who was revealed by the Tucker videos to have committed perjury but instead I suggest you read the attached which details just how the whole thing was a fedsurrection.


I wasn’t going to do this because Gutfeld covered it on the Five today but have decided to anyway because he didn’t cover the full breath of the nonsense. When asked why he prosecuted and in Gestapo like fashion arrested a man who was praying outside an abortion clinic when a nutcase got in his son’s face and so like any father he shoved the guy and that resulted in the jackboot arrest at his home in front of his children. Fortunately I believe a jury acquitted him. Thank goodness. But Garland said that the reason that they are prosecuting him and not all the left wing nuts fire bombing pro life clinics is because the left wingnuts do it at night and so we don’t know who they are. So his basic premise is that if you commit crimes after dark you get a pass because they have so many stormtroopers dedicated to harassing people on the right that they can’t investigate crimes on the left because we don’t have videos and witnesses.

OK. But please explain why your justice department didn’t arrest and prosecute the people who on tv tried to intimidate Supreme Court justices after the leak of the Dobbs decision. It is a federal crime to do what they did and this idiot did nothing. I am now in the camp of those who believe that Garland was so hurt by being denied the Supreme Court seat he thought he deserved that he has gone full crazy to get anyone on the right. He needs to be impeached!