I have talked about this subject previously with respect to classification authority and now people like Bongino and Clay and Buck and Judge Jeannine and many congressmen and maybe Tucker and Hannity have all said the big difference between Trump and Magoo is that Trump as president could declassify anything and Magoo as VP had no classification or declassification authority.

Now at first I thought that might be the case because the Executive Orders I was familiar with never mentioned the VP. However I looked it up and in 2009 Obama issued EO 13526 and I believe for the first time included the VP. I didn’t check any of the earlier orders because when I searched this is the order that was said to be the one that did it.

Sec. 1.3 Classification Authority

(a) The authority to classify information originally may be exercised only by:

(1) the President and the Vice President;

And then goes on to list all the usual suspects and like all previous EO’s provides that any original classifier can declassify anything he or she classified and anything classified by a subordinate and given the language above, I believe that that means Magoo could declassify anything classified by anyone other than Obama. I don’t want to get into the weeds but by virtue of the Atomic Energy Act only DOE can declassify restricted data not even the president.

So the talking heads need to get their shit together and do a little research. Fortunately Magoo and the morons haven’t discovered this yet because they are clueless and trying to pretend that Magoo knows nothing about the documents or how they got to his oxymoronic think tank even though they got there more than a year after he left office and curiously deal with Ukraine and Iran. Where were they for that year?