Ok here’s what’s really at the heart of the conservative movement holding up McCarthy’s claim of entitlement to power. Over the years the more senior folks have done everything possible to make sure they called the shots and held all the power and it got exponentially worse under Pelosi. So what I’ll call the gang of twenty said enough. Under the constitution every representative gets one vote and it is just as important as the vote of any other representative no matter how long they have been there. BTW in point of fact, the framers never considered the possibility of career politicians. They contemplated folks coming to Washington for a couple of months over two years and for a very limited amount of time to do what needed to be done and then went home to their farms and businesses and families and not staying in Washington forever.

Then the corruption that always takes place took place and we had career politicians whose first priority was to give themselves ever increasing power to control junior members and keep their power.

The gang of twenty said bullshit! We want to restore the House to its original intention and every members vote carries the same weight and they essentially got that with McCarthy’s compromises. Every member can bring a motion to vacate the chair. Every member can propose amendments to legislation and have them voted on and the Speaker doesn’t control what bills get to the floor for a vote. And that’s a good thing and interestingly the Dems should be voting for this also because it gives their members the same rights as republicans and rights they never had under Cruella de Ville.

So that’s what it’s all about Alfie!