I meant to comment on this earlier but they turned out to be a nothing burger as I knew they would. Even the msm is now pivoting to saying that we need to change the tax code because Trump followed it and they don’t like the results. Do any of you seriously believe that Trump with the best tax lawyers in the business cheated on his taxes?

That’s as stupid as the New York attorney general, I think her name is Lattica James, claiming that he somehow defrauded major banks by claiming his assets were worth more than they were? Deutsche Bank and other major banking institutions took his word for it? They had an obligation to do their own due diligence and they all got paid back in full. He needs to sue her ignorant biased ass for malicious prosecution.

But the more important point here is that I have previously ranted, the Dems never see beyond their nose. Now that the Supremes have said Congress can subpoena and get anyones tax records, the republicans need, once they get their shit together and elect a speaker, to subpoena the tax records of Magoo and his son and Pelosi and Paulie P and Schumer and Schiff and Swalwell and Maxine Waters and Nadler and see how quickly their assholes clench.

And btw every member of the J6 committee.