It occurred to me that my last few posts may have given the impression that I am a fan of McCarthy. If you’ve followed my rants you would know that nothing is farther from the truth. I think he’s just another McConnell with no core only a desire for power. My concern is that the holdouts have no alternative and just want to grandstand for TV time. There is no way they will ever win and McCarthy has caved to almost all their demands and they still are just stonewalling because they have nothing. McCarthy has agreed to a rule that would allow any one member to file a motion to vacate the chair and put the speaker to a potential no confidence vote at any time. And in case you don’t know it, that was the norm until Pelosi changed it to further consolidate her power. So basically McCarthy has agreed that if he doesn’t rule as promised he can be sent packing at anytime.

So I don’t think it makes sense to continue the charade but on the other hand I have to admit that effectively shutting down the legislative branch is not a bad thing. They can’t do anything stupid!