That may sound strange but the debacle on the speakership can be blamed directly on him. How can I say that you ask? Because he removed the power of the purse from the incoming Republican house by agreeing to a ridiculously massive and wasteful spending bill that funded the government through September. If he had done what he should have and got a continuing resolution until early January then the republican resistance wouldn’t be able to play their games. They would need to actually legislate, and in case you don’t know, there is no House until a speaker is chosen and members are sworn in. Right now the only legislative body is the senate and because there is no pressing legislation that needs to be addressed, the idiots can keep running the asylum. Does it really matter how long they have to wait to conduct meaningless oversight hearings that will result in no tangible change? No so this nonsense can last indefinitely!

I should add that you need to remember what I said earlier, when the last Congress ended all their bills died and the new Congress would have to start from scratch on a bill funding the government and yes they could kick that down the road a bit but until there’s a speaker and then a house they couldn’t even do that.