Monthly Archives: December 2022


I don’t know if you saw it today but apparently she just gave the republicans her senate seat in 2024 because of Arizona law. As an independent she can’t run in either the Dems or republicans primary. She will have to run in the general against both a Dem and a Republican opponent. No republicans will vote for her but many Dems will which means that the Republican will win.


Is there any proof that Hunter actually painted this basically kindergarten finger paintings? I doubt it because as bad as it is there is some indication that it was painted by someone who had more than a week experience.

Maybe because it reminds me of something I used to do where I would basically just take a pen and just run it all over and then fill in the empty spaces with random different colors. But no one would have paid a half a million dollars for my scribbling.


Listen any non brain dead person knows that real science has proven that not only don’t the vaccines not work but increase your chances to get Covid. So as I keep saying follow the money and find out who’s getting paid to push this nonsense. It’s also being shown that the‘vaccines’ are actually more deadly than the virus for most people.

So why am I ranting, because I just saw on Tucker that a 14 year old girl was denied a kidney transplant at Duke because even though she had had Covid and recovered and had natural immunity which has been shown to be superior to the vaccines, she didn’t have the worthless vaccines and the CDC, which is totally useless, recommended otherwise and Duke didn’t have to follow but being ass kissers followed like the CDC was the Pied Piper. Sue these bastards. There is absolutely no medically defensible reason to say this girl has to die because you have some indefensible bullshit rule. Anyone want to guess what Duke’s decision would have been if it was one of their daughters?


I’m seeing that Griner is supposedly an icon. Very few if any watch the WNBA because it’s in the least interesting and so how can someone with pretty much everyone uninterested in her in the least be an icon. I know that I don’t give a shit about her or the WNBA which is actually funded by the NBA because no one cares. And just so you know I don’t give a damn about the NBA either. I never really did for the past 20 years but lost all interest when they went woke. I don’t even watch the finals and LeBron is an ignorant idiot.


I know at least one of you think that Magoo’s prisoner exchange sealed his victory in 2024. I think that’s ridiculous. Listen Magoo traded basically a war criminal for an anti-American lesbian basketball player who knelt for the national anthem. And more importantly he left behind a former marine who actually put his life on the line for this country. Just like his botched exit from Afghanistan. Magoo doesn’t care about anything but pandering to what he perceives to be his far left base.

He should never have accepted this deal. It’s incredibly stupid. Griner broke Russian law and was sentenced accordingly. She’s not the victim of some Russian plot. I don’t care if you think that their law is wrong. It’s their law and if you go there then you must abide by it. Don’t go to an Islamic country and proudly proclaim your gayness. It’s not going to end well.

On the other hand the marine was imprisoned on a bs spying charge. Deal with reality and not woke bs.

Here’s my point, if Griner comes back and takes a knee during the anthem, Magoo is toast. If the deal was you can only get one in exchange for the war criminal then you either get the marine or you don’t make the exchange and contrary to what one of you apparently thinks, very few people give a shit about Griner. They don’t care if she had to serve out her sentence and would never have traded the merchant of death for her worthless ass!


Just so you know I don’t know how this rant will end. It maybe Trump or maybe not or a push. I really haven’t made up my mind yet.

I still think he is the only one who could quickly get rid of almost all of Magoo’s bs and restore our standing on the world stage and bankrupt China. But he needs to concentrate on the future and not the past.

I understand that as more and more information comes out that shows he was the actual winner in 2020 but for the many ballot counting scams and illegally changed voting rules and now that Elon is releasing the tweets proving that the media and the techs and the deep state and Magoo conspired to bury stories that were harmful he is very upset but you can’t lose it. I know he’s upset and that he tweets or now truths unfiltered and that’s good most of the time because we get to see the real him, unlike Magoo or whoever handles his tweets, but sometimes he needs to consult his team because you can’t say the constitution needs to be suspended so he can be put in office because that’s not possible and he needs to focus on the future. The election was stolen but that’s history.

Get over it and move on. Focus your message on what we can do make our elections secure so it doesn’t happen again. Maybe propose a law that is the opposite of the Dems, I think it was SR 1, that wanted to federalize elections and instead of their nonsense all voters must produce an id and no ballot harvesting and no mail in ballots unless you are physically unable to vote in person and at most a one week in person voting period. BTW I think that law would be unconstitutional just like the Dems proposal because the constitution gives that power solely to state legislatures.

Anyway there is no one on the right that can do what he could. The only one that could come close is Desantis but he couldn’t come close to what Trump would accomplish but he may be less offensive to some mushy Republicans and that could be his advantage.

The rest of the potential candidates are smoking something if they think they have a chance. They are all just Beto’s scamming for some money in a losing proposition.

So where am I? I still like Trump but if he can’t get off the past and move to the future than I have to go with Desantis and if he doesn’t run then I have to go with Trump no matter what. The last thing we need is a bush lite, unless it’s the beer.


If you don’t know who this is it’s the Deputy Assistant Secretary or something in charge of nuclear waste at DOE. Now I use it because he identifies as ‘non-binary’ which means he doesn’t identify as male or female so he’s an it and I think it’s pronouns are they and them.

Now why am I ranting about this? It’s because there is no way that it could have ever gotten a Q clearance prior to the Magoo administration which values diversity box checking over reality. They put Rachel Levine in as an admiral and she’s not only an ugly tranny but a person in favor of sexualizing children and genital mutilation for young children..

Sam could never get a legitimate Q clearance, and btw Buck Sexton you should know better but you don’t. It needs more than a top secret clearance, look it up I have explained before. And I heard on some Fox show , probably Gutfeld, that it couldn’t be blackmailed because all it’s nonsense was out there and that is a key factor but overrated in security clearance cases. Listen everyone is subject to blackmail. If someone has your children and says they will kill them if you don’t do something, you will do it and if not you’re a psychopath unless it’s your kids or the nation. If the choice is sacrifice your kids or the entire country then that’s still a very difficult decision.

Now one of the earliest cases I handled was a security clearance case in which the applicant was gay and the powers to be wanted to deny him on that basis and I said why if he was openly gay he was subject to no more blackmail than anyone else and the head of our personnel department said well it’s so obvious he’s gay that would be a problem and I said you interviewed him and recommended him so if it’s so obvious maybe we need to look at you. This was in my first year in the agency and he shut up. I never rolled over to nonsense and the guy got his clearance.

My point is that our national security is being compromised by the Magoo administration with no regard to reality. Check some stupid box and it’s more important than reality.