Today he was on Clay and Buck and said something incredibly stupid and he’s a bright guy but he just reinforced something I said earlier about the mistake we made in thinking what would happen in the midterms. If you recall I said we made the mistake of thinking others see what we do and act accordingly. Obviously that’s not true.

O’Reilly said that his take on the midterms was that he thought that since home values have lost $17 trillion and people would see that and vote accordingly. Now it proves my point but is incredibly stupid. Many voters, and particularly young voters on the left don’t own homes. They rent or live with mommy and daddy. Home values are irrelevant to them. Magoo promised them unconstitutionally that he would forgive their student loans and they believed him. And they don’t really care about inflation or gas prices because either they don’t have a car or mommy and daddy are footing the bill or they live in an urban environment where they don’t need or have cars.

But maybe even more importantly, Bill is out of touch with homeowners. Listen I have owned homes for close to 50 years and I have never done anything based on housing values. The only time it becomes relevant is if I’m looking to sell and move. Most people who own homes are happy with their homes and don’t really care about what their house is worth unless the value drops below what they owe on their mortgage.

So my point is that we have to stop projecting our views on those who have both different priorities and different information. Most of them only see msm nonsense and the left likes it that way. Remember that the msm devoted zero time to Musk’s Twitter dumps.