Listen any non brain dead person knows that real science has proven that not only don’t the vaccines not work but increase your chances to get Covid. So as I keep saying follow the money and find out who’s getting paid to push this nonsense. It’s also being shown that the‘vaccines’ are actually more deadly than the virus for most people.

So why am I ranting, because I just saw on Tucker that a 14 year old girl was denied a kidney transplant at Duke because even though she had had Covid and recovered and had natural immunity which has been shown to be superior to the vaccines, she didn’t have the worthless vaccines and the CDC, which is totally useless, recommended otherwise and Duke didn’t have to follow but being ass kissers followed like the CDC was the Pied Piper. Sue these bastards. There is absolutely no medically defensible reason to say this girl has to die because you have some indefensible bullshit rule. Anyone want to guess what Duke’s decision would have been if it was one of their daughters?