Just so you know I don’t know how this rant will end. It maybe Trump or maybe not or a push. I really haven’t made up my mind yet.

I still think he is the only one who could quickly get rid of almost all of Magoo’s bs and restore our standing on the world stage and bankrupt China. But he needs to concentrate on the future and not the past.

I understand that as more and more information comes out that shows he was the actual winner in 2020 but for the many ballot counting scams and illegally changed voting rules and now that Elon is releasing the tweets proving that the media and the techs and the deep state and Magoo conspired to bury stories that were harmful he is very upset but you can’t lose it. I know he’s upset and that he tweets or now truths unfiltered and that’s good most of the time because we get to see the real him, unlike Magoo or whoever handles his tweets, but sometimes he needs to consult his team because you can’t say the constitution needs to be suspended so he can be put in office because that’s not possible and he needs to focus on the future. The election was stolen but that’s history.

Get over it and move on. Focus your message on what we can do make our elections secure so it doesn’t happen again. Maybe propose a law that is the opposite of the Dems, I think it was SR 1, that wanted to federalize elections and instead of their nonsense all voters must produce an id and no ballot harvesting and no mail in ballots unless you are physically unable to vote in person and at most a one week in person voting period. BTW I think that law would be unconstitutional just like the Dems proposal because the constitution gives that power solely to state legislatures.

Anyway there is no one on the right that can do what he could. The only one that could come close is Desantis but he couldn’t come close to what Trump would accomplish but he may be less offensive to some mushy Republicans and that could be his advantage.

The rest of the potential candidates are smoking something if they think they have a chance. They are all just Beto’s scamming for some money in a losing proposition.

So where am I? I still like Trump but if he can’t get off the past and move to the future than I have to go with Desantis and if he doesn’t run then I have to go with Trump no matter what. The last thing we need is a bush lite, unless it’s the beer.