If you don’t know who this is it’s the Deputy Assistant Secretary or something in charge of nuclear waste at DOE. Now I use it because he identifies as ‘non-binary’ which means he doesn’t identify as male or female so he’s an it and I think it’s pronouns are they and them.

Now why am I ranting about this? It’s because there is no way that it could have ever gotten a Q clearance prior to the Magoo administration which values diversity box checking over reality. They put Rachel Levine in as an admiral and she’s not only an ugly tranny but a person in favor of sexualizing children and genital mutilation for young children..

Sam could never get a legitimate Q clearance, and btw Buck Sexton you should know better but you don’t. It needs more than a top secret clearance, look it up I have explained before. And I heard on some Fox show , probably Gutfeld, that it couldn’t be blackmailed because all it’s nonsense was out there and that is a key factor but overrated in security clearance cases. Listen everyone is subject to blackmail. If someone has your children and says they will kill them if you don’t do something, you will do it and if not you’re a psychopath unless it’s your kids or the nation. If the choice is sacrifice your kids or the entire country then that’s still a very difficult decision.

Now one of the earliest cases I handled was a security clearance case in which the applicant was gay and the powers to be wanted to deny him on that basis and I said why if he was openly gay he was subject to no more blackmail than anyone else and the head of our personnel department said well it’s so obvious he’s gay that would be a problem and I said you interviewed him and recommended him so if it’s so obvious maybe we need to look at you. This was in my first year in the agency and he shut up. I never rolled over to nonsense and the guy got his clearance.

My point is that our national security is being compromised by the Magoo administration with no regard to reality. Check some stupid box and it’s more important than reality.