Monthly Archives: March 2022


In case you missed it but Senator Grassley asked KBJ about a case in which the law gave I think either the HHS or the attorney general sole and unreviewable discretion to decide an issue about deporting illegals and she thought that she could review it and pontificate about it. She was unanimously overturned by an appellate court which consisted of leftist judges. She’s an leftist ideologue who is trying to pretend otherwise but she will will get appointed and become a justice on the Supreme Court because they have the votes. She should never be anywhere near that court and as I said last night, she may or may not actually have the intelligence to serve in that position.


I have tried to find how she got to Harvard and I can’t find it. Don lemon thinks she is a legal genius. He’s a mental midget, but the point of this rant is that I can’t find anything about her academic record online. I know that Harvard gives a pass to minorities! Is she bright or just another minority like Kamala who was elevated by her race or is she just another idiot who is where she is because she’s black and a woman, although she doesn’t know that she’s a woman even though that’s why she was nominated. I don’t know because I can’t find out her academic credentials. You figure it out!

BTW. She may be extremely intelligent or she may be a person of average intelligence but she is a leftist idealogue!


This is why I think she should never be on the Supreme Court, but the republicans should keep their powder dry because she has the votes and it’s not worth making her some kind of martyr. This is what she told her class about deciding sentences for crimes and notice that she included crt along with a bunch of other nonsense. If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime as Robert Blake famously said on Baretta back in the seventies. All her bs is irrelevant! If you did it then you serve the time. Interjecting crt is just a way to say blacks should get a free pass based on a totally discredited philosophy.


The Bloomberg idiots want us to stop eating meat and switch to lentils for apparently two reasons. First it’s cheaper and second we need to cut back on the global warming cow farts. Well guess what, and I looked it up to make sure I am right because I don’t eat lentils, but lentils give you gas so instead of cow farts we can replace them with people farts. These idiots never think past their leftist talking points to consider the consequences.

BTW I don’t think anyone is going to start killing their cows to prevent global warming. So we’re still going to have the cow farts plus increased people farts.


Just my thoughts, but after easily winning the 500 yd freestyle, even though she tanked it to make sure he didn’t win by too much, he tanked the 200 and 100 where he came in fifth and last respectively. So here’s my take on why. All the various sporting bodies are trying to decide how men should be treated in women’s sports. He has already made clear that his goal is to be on our Olympic team in 2024. Had he destroyed the competition as he easily could have, it would make it much less likely that men would be allowed to pretend they are women and take trophies and medals away from real women. I guarantee you that once the woke idiots decide men should be allowed to compete as women in the Olympics, he will suddenly destroy his competition once again.


She just said on Hannity what I believe is true. Mr. Lia Thomas tanked in the finals to make sure she didn’t win by too much. He could have easily won by much more but to try to maintain the nonsense, he made sure he didn’t win by too much.

i saw today that Allyson Felix’s world record time in the 400 was beaten by 15,000 boys and men last year. Cut the bullshit and recognize that men are physically superior to women in athletics. Just a fact. So keep men out of womens sports.


I am watching a lot of stuff about the criminality of Hunter and the big guy. Here’s my question. Do any of you think a prosecutor in Delaware will indict Hunter while the big guy is president? I don’t believe that will ever happen until a Republican is in the White House.


Today the BOC was bombarded with questions about Hunter’s laptop and Magoo’s claims that it was Russian disinformation and dodged by saying he’s a private citizen so it’s not my job. She was also asked about similar statements she made previously and gave the same bs response. I wanted someone to ask her if Hunter was a government employee when she made her previous statements and if not why was it ok to pontificate then and not now other than she and her boss have been exposed as frauds.