Monthly Archives: February 2022


I heard today on Will and Buck a very knowledgeable Canadian, I think Jordan Peterson, say that TURDEAU will be forced to resign and hold new elections because his latest facist move has pissed off most of the that country and nothing could please me more and then he could go back to imitating Al Jolson. Maybe that’s a possible future job for him.

Now here’s the real reason for this rant. What also came out is that all his bullshit is totally unenforceable. When they tried to order tow truck drivers to move the rigs, they told them to fuck off. How dumb do you have to be to think that one group of truckers would side with you against another group of truckers. They all said they had Covid so couldn’t.

And the police in Ottawa have refused to enforce the nonsense. It was only the Mounties that did the bullshit and they got caught dismantling heavy equipment that wasn’t involved in the protest and have slinked away. Dudley Do-right is a eunuch.

And most importantly, Perterson said that if black face prime minister ordered the military in, they will tell him to go pound sand. There is no way they will attack peaceful citizens. Turdeau is yesterday’s news and as Jesse just pointed out, he is the only foreign leader who is dumb enough to listen to Magoo.


Ok it’s now clear. It’s always been clear that Hillary is a criminal and should be in jail across from her pedophile husband, that she and her cronies in DOJ and CIA and Obama tried to falsely smear Trump by claiming he was a Russian agent. But it only became clear that she and her minions actually infiltrated Trump severs to plant false information on the severs to make it look like Trump was colluding with Russia when in fact Hillary was the one colluding with the Russians.

Now what’s the point of this rant since I’m pretty sure that anyone reading my rants already know this. The point is that just watch as the left and their cronies go hard to try to take down Trump through bogus legal investigations and other even potential lawsuits to take him down to cover her enormous ass. They can’t let him survive and her to be indicted because she is the only actual potential presidential candidate on the left. Biden is brain dead and everyone knows it and Kamala is disliked by everyone and has only a couple of IQ points over Biden and we’re talking low double digits. Mayor Pete is a total failure. The Dems have no one viable and they see Hillary as their only alternative but she just got destroyed, so watch out for their scotched earth policy to try to destroy Trump.


Biden has nominated a drag queen who has also previously endorsed sex with animals to a high position in the Department of Energy in nuclear power . I can personally guarantee you that that person would never have been even considered much less approved in my day. This is total nonsense. Here’s the link.


Now this is certainly more important to me than most likely any of you. I don’t know of any lawyer who reads my rants. But I saw today that the ABA is going to require law schools to teach critical race theory in order to maintain their accreditation.

How you ask how can this happen? Well let me enlighten you. For some reason the government has essentially granted the ABA the right to be the only entity that can accredit law schools and in almost all states you must graduate from an accredited law school to become a member of the bar. Now I was an ABA member for many years and enjoyed the annual convention but they have become a leftist, woke joke and I haven’t been a member for several years.

The purpose of this rant is to wake up republicans and stop this socialist nonsense.

It’s only a little step away from putting a section on the bar exam about 1619 bullshit. I want lawyers who know the law and not social justice warriors.


As I’m sure you know several blue states have recently announced that they are ending some or all of their restrictions. However the CDC and the BOC and even Fauci have said not yet. People are asking why and I have seen and heard from several sources that what’s going on is that Magoo wants to announce in his very late state of the union that he whipped COVID’s ass and we can go back to normal. I agree that it’s all political theater to try to give Dems a talking point for the midterms. Magoo didn’t do shit other than wreck the economy and of course he will continue to claim what a great job he’s done creating jobs. Total bs. If I close down your business forcing you to lay off or fire employees and then I tell you you can reopen, hiring back your employees is not creating new jobs and the republicans need to emphasize this to counter the Magoo narrative.