Monthly Archives: September 2021


First, make no mistake about it. Biden’s speech was purely about trying to get the focus off his Afghanistan debacle. To do so, he engaged in the fascist/socialist dream of a raw power grab that is undoubtedly unconstitutional. (Remember that to political scientists they are different based on who technically owns what, but they are really the same. In one case the government owns everything and in the other you may own something but the government controls everything, including your ownership.) His Geppetto decided to be as outrageous as possible to make sure that we all took our eyes off the ball. I am fairly certain that they know that little of this bullshit will survive judicial scrutiny, but they don’t care because the damage will be done by the time cases make it through the courts.

Now the first question that needs to be asked is why someone who is vaccinated worries about those that aren’t. If the vaccines work then you should be safe and need not be worried about my status. Just like if masks work, and they don’t, then you shouldn’t concern yourself with whether or not I’m masked because you’re wearing the golden amulet! So why all the hysteria about forcing people to get vaccinated? It’s not about safety or health it’s about expanding and consolidating power. That’s all the left is concerned with. And btw in case you missed it, the CDC recently changed the definition of a vaccine from something that conferred immunity to something that provides some protection.

Now I want to discuss a few things Biden plans and the problems with them. First I want to talk about Biden’s absurd mandate requiring federal employees and contractors to be vaccinated. I don’t believe he has the authority and despite his claim to the contrary, I think he knows it. With respect to federal employees, under the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, federal employee unions have bargaining rights over conditions of employment and I don’t believe the president can unilaterally change them. Now I don’t know what the position of these union bosses is, after all they are Dems stooges, but I doubt the rank and file will go along. Does anyone really believe that the president could order every employee to pee in a cup everyday because of the fentanyl and opioid crisis? It would be scoffed at!

Now let’s look at federal contractors. Federal contractors have, you guessed it, valid and binding contracts. The president cannot unilaterally alter those contracts. He could require that in all new contracts a provision be inserted requiring vaccinations, but he can’t alter existing contracts. Imagine if he came out and said because of the deficit, I’m cutting the money for all contracts in half. You have to perform the same services but you only get half the money.

With respect to Biden’s order requiring DOL to require companies with 100 or more employees to require their employees to be vaccinated, DOL can’t do that without going through rule making under the Administrative Procedures Act and that takes time and would undoubtedly be challenged in court numerous times and likely would never come to fruition! So the brain dead Joe or his puppeteers just put out total bs to distract you.

As an aside and in closing I’ll remind you of something I have written about before, the reason for the 100 employees requirement is to use the interstate commerce clause in the constitution. Under the constitution, congress has the power to regulate commerce between the states. Strange as it may seem, that’s how the civil rights were passed and I believe back then that the number used was 50. The theory being that if you operated an establishment that had 50 or more employees than you were engaged in interstate commerce because necessarily you used goods or services that crossed state lines.


Over the past few days and particularly today, Bongino has been proud of his point that how can Biden claim that he was bound by the Trump deal when Trump wasn’t bound and bombed the Taliban when they attacked Afghanistan troops. Good point but the one that would make the point is that as Biden admitted, the Trump deal required us to leave Afghanistan by May 1, and btw I thought it was May 31 but either works. Did Biden leave by May 1? No! So how can he claim to be bound by the Trump deal when he didn’t follow it?