One of you have wanted me to address this issue for sometime but I have refused because the issue has been thoroughly discussed in the media and I don’t try to discuss things that I don’t have something to add. It is never my purpose to just report something everyone already knows.

Now the reason for this rant is that many of you may not really know the the left’s real purpose for putting forth legislation to pack the Supreme Court. Listen folks, and this is not something unique to my perspective, it has been mentioned by a few other people. The idiots proposing this nonsense know they don’t have the votes to make it happen. The real purpose is to intimidate Roberts, a complete spineless embarrassment, to duck important cases. Remember Schumer already threatened them on the steps of the court with violence. And the result was that Roberts refused to take up the Texas challenge to the unconstitutional changes to election laws in swing states because he was afraid of riots. Fuck riots and do your job you wuss.

This is ultimately just an attempt by the left to intimidate the court to keep them from accepting and deciding constitutional cases that they should. The best way to counter this bs is to kick Dems out of the majority in both the House and the Senate in 2022.