Monthly Archives: February 2021


I don’t know if you know but from what I have read the person who shot the unarmed female Air Force veteran was not a police officer. He was a bodyguard for a senator I believe. I hope that when Trump’s team gets up they focus on it and ask for him to be charged with murder. He was not in danger and had no authority to kill an unarmed woman.

CORRECTION: I just looked it up and the gunman was apparently a Capitol police officer with a bloody history who will get off scot free because he committed premeditated murder of an unarmed Trump supporter

BTW he was a black cop shooting an unarmed white woman who posed no threat to him or anyone else. Where’s the outrage?


Ok before I comment on day one of this unconstitutional impeachment trial, I want to comment on something else. Today it was revealed that Biden’s DOJ and Biden have asked all the US Attorneys appointed by Trump to resign. Now this is normal practice but when Trump and for that matter Bush did it, the left screamed that it was some kind of Russian coup or whatever. The press said nothing today negative about it. More hypocrisy.

Now today was predictably boring and of no consequence. Listen, it was already known that no matter what was said republicans didn’t have the votes to stop the farce.

The Dems started off with a highly edited video trying to put Trump in the middle of the riot that breached the Capitol. It was a Hollywood fantasy. No mention of the fact that it is clearly established that the attack was planned weeks ahead of Trump’s speech. And I have to say that Trump’s lawyers were even more boring and irrelevant than the Dems.

Now as I have said to at least one of you today, I am curmudgeonly skeptically about Raskin’s crying about his family. I treat that with the same skepticism that I treat serial liar AOC and her account of the faux danger she was in. Schumer cries every time he speaks Raskin is a politician and they all lie for a living.


What Biden has made clear is that his loyalty is to China not the US and Hunter is still getting millions from his Chinese hedge fund. Where’s the emoluments clause now?

Almost everything he has done by his royal decrees has been to benefit China. Now to be fair, he probably doesn’t even know what he has signed except that it benefits his family.

First he canceled the Keystone XL pipeline. Who does that benefit? China who may get the oil while we get nothing or if we do it will come via truck or rail which is much more susceptible to environmental damage than pipelines. I’ll talk more about this later because it should be challenged in court.

Next as I have said previously he gave China access to and potential control of our electric grid. He rejoined the WHO which is a Chinese puppet that covered for China’s intentionally spreading their virus to the rest of the world and to interfere in our election. If it were not for the whu flu, there is no way that the Dems could even have cheated their way to the presidency.

He also rejoined the bogus Paris climate accords which gives China unlimited ability to pollute for decades while destroying our economy.

Now I could go on forever about the ridiculously stupid things he has done like nominating a woman from I believe Washington state to oversee unemployment benefits who lost $600 million in her state to Nigerian scammers with bogus whu flu claims. The same Nigerian scammers who sent us all emails promising to send us millions if we would send them a hundred dollars.

All of his nominees are China puppets who don’t give a damn about us.

Now let me circle back to the point of this rant. Unlike Psaki I’m going actually circle back. Either the Canadian company involved or the US companies need to sue because Biden doesn’t have the authority to unilaterally cancel the pipeline. The supremes blocked Trump from canceling DACA, incorrectly in my view, because he didn’t follow the Administrative Procedures Act even though Obama hadn’t followed it in promulgating DACA after admitting that he didn’t have the authority to do it. The reason for the Supremes was that people relied on DACA and so you need to go through the APA to change it.

Throw that back in Roberts face. God knows that ten of thousands of people on both sides of the border relied on Trump’s approval of the pipeline.

Virtually all of Biden’s EO’s should be challenged in court and Roberts needs to be put to the test on whether he will follow the bs he made up. That’s what needs to be done to save this country.


This will be short and only is written because of something I heard Rush say today. He was ranting about the unions voting for Biden even though Biden had promised to destroy their jobs. Rush was particularly concerned that the unions involved in the Keystone XL pipeline not understand that the green new deal would lead to this. My immediate thought was didn’t he know what I thought I remembered that Biden had specifically said he would block the pipeline? And so I looked it up and in fact last March Biden specifically said that he would do it. So the unions have no one to blame but themselves. They didn’t get blindsided. They got what they deserved. However, we got screwed and that shouldn’t be allowed to stand.