Monthly Archives: January 2021


There have been a few things lately that deserve comment.

First the phony insurrection. Apparently no one on the left and many on the right don’t know what it is. You can look it up and even Andy McCarthy, whose anti trumpism has resurfaced big time lately, has admitted that Trump is not guilty of inciting an insurrection under any legal standard. He however says that even so, Congress doesn’t have to prove anything beyond a reasonable doubt and so should impeach him. BS! And as one commentator wrote there was never an unarmed insurrection in human history. Listen, if Trump wanted an insurrection, he could have called on his supporters to come armed to the teeth and take the Capitol and thousands would have. That would have been insurrection and Trump would never do that and I would never support it.

I watched much of Trump’s speech and have read it. Apparently, his last paragraph is supposed to be what is at issue. However, all he did was to tell his supporters to march to the Capitol and peacefully show their support for the republicans who were trying to prevent fraud in the election. He expressly said that the protest should be peaceful.

So I looked around and apparently he is supposedly guilty of inciting insurrection because he said the election was stolen and that was enough. The standard on the left now is that you must say Biden was lawfully elected or you are guilty of treason.

Another thing I want to mention is that you need to remember how these protests turn violent. Remember over the summer when BLM and antifa rioted constantly the violence and looting were started by a few agitators and after they broke windows and doors others who were probably peaceful couldn’t resist the lure of free stuff and looted.

It appears that the same was what happened last Wednesday. And it appears that it was preplanned by the left with help from the cops. I have heard people who were there and seen articles in which it is established that the breach of the Capitol took place before Trump finished speaking a couple of miles away. One woman today said she left Trump’s speech early and walked to the Capitol where she saw the Capitol police open a door and let 150 or so protesters in to the Capitol. A while later they came out and then the police took down the barricades and a few folks broke windows. There is no confirmation that the cop who died was actually hit in the head with a fire extinguisher. The only person we know was killed intentionally was the unarmed, female, white Air Force veteran that was gunned down by a cop as she crawled through a window.

This is all political bullshit. I am sure you have seen all the clips of Pelosi and Schumer and Harris and Biden and the squad and Maxine Watters inciting violence and insurrection.

I know this is long and so I will stop but I will get to three other things tomorrow. Impeachment, Parler and Manchin and Schumer.


Just a quick note. The Dems impeachment nonsense needs to be called out and every Dem who votes for it needs to be noted and defeated in 2022. I guarantee you that Dems in non overwhelmingly blue districts need to be held accountable if they vote for a despicable attempt to impeach a president who has only eleven days left in office and has said he supports a peaceful transition. The country faces many challenges and Trump is not one. Instead of addressing the problems, they are more concerned with a meaningless impeachment. It won’t go anywhere. They only hope to somehow keep Trump from ever running again for president and upsetting their cozy graft and corruption.

He scares the crap out of them!!

Now to briefly address the hypocrisy of the left. As you well know, the left cheered on the rioting and looting and killing of antifa and BLM all year long including Pelosi and Schumer and Kamala and Biden. Now they want to pretend that Trump incited violence, which he didn’t, and it was somehow sedition or treason. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Just to remind you Chuck Schumer cried in front of the Supreme Court over abortion rights, I think it was during the Kavanaugh hearing but may have been about a case before the supremes, I am too lazy to look it up, while supporters tried to break into the Supreme Court building. Did anyone say he was guilty of sedition or treason? Of course not. When the left attacks our institutions, it is considered patriotism not treason.

Lastly, I want to point out that as I said previously the Dems openly stole an election and laughed in our face to mock us. What did they expect when they disenfranchised 75 million Americans. Wednesday was inevitable and I don’t think we have seen the last of the resistance. The socialist left represents a small portion of the people in this country and the opposition will continue to grow and although I hope it will be nonviolent like the tea party, I think that unfortunately some on the right will not be content to sit by and watch our country destroyed. Let’s do it the right way and vote them out.

The Republican legislatures need to enact laws that require voter id and signature matching and require in person voting. When I first got to vote in Florida, you had to register in person and you got a voter ID card that you had to produce at the polling station to vote. I never had an opportunity to vote on any day other than Election Day until I got to North Carolina. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t oppose early in person voting, but it should be no more than a week, and all voting machines must be eliminated. There should be no mail in voting from anyone capable of voting in person and then they must request an absentee ballot and provide proof of who they are and they need a witness to attest that they are the person voting. Lastly vote harvesting must be eliminated. Republican legislatures do your job!


As you know I am not on any social media platforms. However tonight after hearing that Apple was preventing people from downloading the Parler app, I tried to get it. I could find the app but when I pressed get it told me to double press the little space on the right and when I did it went back to the original get the app page. Clearly the left wants to prevent a free exchange of ideas.

Trump needs to set up his own populist media outlet and obliterate google and Facebook and Twitter. They are going to lose major bucks because Trump was all that really kept them alive.


This might be long so pour yourself a good one and hunker down.

First as we all know the election was stolen and Biden is and will always be an illegitimate president. I commend Trump for not conceding and also for committing to a smooth and peaceful transition. As I have said previously it will be established in the next couple of months that Trump won and the Dems will laugh at the cheating they pulled off.

Now yesterday was a disaster that everyone could see coming. Trump should not have supported a massive rally in DC. It was apparent as soon as he did that the left would infiltrate it and incite violence and it would be blamed on him. Apparently there were some actual Trump supporters who were in the small number of people who actually attacked the Capitol, including the woman who was shot and killed by capital police. As an aside, consider what the left would be saying and rioting about if she were black. And ask yourself why the police and national guard weren’t ready for it. I have been to the Capitol many times before and after 9/11, and there were police everywhere and the building appeared to be impregnable. So how could a hand full of protesters, and just so you know there were over 100,000 people protesting yesterday and only about two hundred were involved in the attack on the Capitol, That’s like blaming CO2 for nonexistent global warming.

What we learned is that all the squishy RINOs were looking for any excuse to rejoin the political elite and distance themselves from the populism of the Trump movement, without which many of them would not be in office. McConnell has always been a RINO. Props that he pushed through judges but that is really all he did during Trump’s presidency. Pence decided that to preserve his political future which he only has because of Trump, he would cave to the left. When he had two sets of electors in front of him from states, he should have sent them back to the legislatures, who are under the constitution the bodies who are to determine the electors. Instead he folded!

The interesting thing to me is that today, now that the Dems have control, an eight foot high fence has been erected around the Capitol. It makes me wonder if some actually wanted what happened to happen and allowed it to happen. They are feigning outrage today because they actually ended up being at risk.

The last thing I want to talk about is what happened today. With Trump committing to a peaceful transition, Pelosi and Schumer and others are calling for Trump to be removed under the 25th amendment and if he isn’t then will try to impeach him. I asked myself why would they try to do this when he has said he is leaving in 13 days. And then it occurred to me why. They know Trump won and they don’t have anyone who has anywhere near the support that Trump has. So they want to try to find a reason to keep him from being able to ever run again for federal office. They are scared shitless that he will declare to run for the presidency in 2024 and will stop at nothing to prevent that. Believe me after the disaster that will be the Biden administration Trump would win in a landslide and the Republican legislatures in the battleground states will make sure that voting laws will be fixed which will prevent this nonsense, including hopefully getting rid of vote counting machines. BTW after I came to that conclusion I heard Rush say it today and he was apparently talking about something that someone else had written. If you think about it, it’s really obvious!


The reason I don’t watch Fox News anymore before 8pm was illustrated earlier today. This morning Peter Doocey and Brian Kilmeade said that there was no evidence to support that voter fraud took place in the presidential election. Either they are brain dead or their Chinese puppeteers told them that they had to bow down to them. The evidence is overwhelming and to suggest otherwise is stunning.

I won’t go through everything but just let me remind you of the video from the State Farm Center in Atlanta. It has never been been disproven at all. Having Georgia politicians say nothing to see here is not fact checking, it’s ass covering. Remember those suitcases contained 24,000 votes and in at least one case a batch was fed through the machines at least three times. That’s way more than needed to give Biden less than an 12,000 vote lead. The fraud was rampant and anyone who says otherwise is lying!