Monthly Archives: August 2020


I will post the usual link at the bottom of this rant. However, I actually watched Joe’s speech last night and it was pablum and all based on lies which will not get fact checked. Had there have been real time honest fact checkers like some are suggesting Joe should demand for the debates, Joe would have drowned in Pinocchio’s. I yelled at the tv constantly as he lied about everything to do with the whu flu. Karl Rove totally eviscerated him on Ingraham and demonstrated that like with foreign policy Biden has been on the wrong side of every decision. I’m sure you can find it on YouTube. BTW if Joe got elected it would be five months from now before he could impose his unconstitutional mask mandate. So I guess we will need useless masks forever.

Now another thing I noticed last night was Biden’s constant bleating about choosing light over darkness etc., had that been said by Trump it would have been called out as a dog whistle. No one seemed to notice, but maybe it would explain why he chose Kamala over the blacker candidates.

I also want to briefly comment on Joe’s Charlottesville bullshit. It has been completely debunked every time it is brought up but the thing that struck me was Joe asking you to close your eyes and see these white supremacists with bulging veins carrying lit torches coming out of the fields. Now I don’t remember that happening but what I did remember was Matthew McConaughey’s closing argument in a racially charged case in the movie “A Time to Kill”. Could Joe be plagiarizing again?

Lastly, I am sick and tired of hearing from both sides what a great job he did. The bar was set so low that if he didn’t have a seizure it was going to be treated like the Gettysburg address. It was pedestrian, political pablum devoid of any substance.

Now here’s the link.


I am amazed by the montage of leftist media talking about Kamala as a rock star on the left. She didn’t even make it to the actual primaries. She was so bad she had to drop out before Iowa. Tulsi Gabbard eviscerated her and she folded. Rock star? I think not.

BTW I loved when Sara Palin referred to her, tongue in cheek, as prostituting herself on issues and Tucker had a hard time keeping a straight face.


Ok I watched Juan on the Five and Kerry from last night and let me remind you of what was in my older rants, because I know some of you suffer from Biden syndrome and can’t remember shit. First, with respect to the Iran nuclear deal both Obama and Kerry have admitted that the deal actually allowed Iran to become a nuclear power in ten or fifteen years and for that totally worthless deal O’biden gave them billions of dollars and Iran never complied with the supposed deal.

And let’s not forget the bogus Paris climate accord. This bogus and totally useless deal to supposedly stop the fake global warming fraud restricted the US but allowed China and India, the two biggest carbon polluters to go unchecked for decades.

Juan and Kerry need to shut up!


I have already pointed out Biden’s poor academic record but would like to turn my attention to Kamala, Hillary and Michelle O. All three flunked the bar exam and in Michelle Obama’s case several times. Hillary NEVER passed the D.C.Bar exam! Kamala flunked the California bar on her first try. (BTW as best as I could determine, Biden passed on his first try and was in the bottom 10% of his class.)

So what’s my point? These supposed geniuses are nothing of the sort. And I can even come up with an excuse for Hillary and Michelle, but not for Kamala. They went to national law schools, Yale and Harvard, and so didn’t have any grounding in the actual law in the states they were taking the exam in, and that’s what they were tested on. Although 3 or 4 times for Michelle is beyond the pale for anyone consider a genius. I’ll explain more about this below along with a couple of cute stories, but first I want to point out that Kamala went to law school at UC Hastings in San Francisco and has no excuse other than not being the bright light she claims to be.

Here’s what you need to know about the difference between a state law school like I attended at the University of Florida and national law schools. At a state law school when they teach criminal law or estates and trusts, it is grounded in the actual law applicable in that state with a nod to supposed model laws that may or may not be applicable in the state. National schools focus on the model laws which are probably not actually the law anywhere. And at least at Florida we were required to take courses on all subjects that are on the bar exam. That’s not true of national schools which I became aware of because my daughter went to Duke and never took courses covering a few subjects on the bar. Thus you can see why Hillary and Michelle might have had a problem on a given state’s bar although given that they are supposed to be so bright to go to those schools in the first place that taking a bar review course should have been easily enough for them.

(I could point out that I was a member of the DC Bar that Hillary could never get into but I don’t want to be disingenuous. Florida and DC had a reciprocity agreement and so when I moved north I only had to fill out an application and pay $500 to become a member.)

Now you can tune out because here are my stories related to this subject. At UF their was an iconic criminal law professor named Danny Clarke. He was legendary because he basically wrote the Florida criminal code. On the first day of class he said that he understood that some people were wondering why we weren’t studying California or New York law and he said that he understood that they have law schools in those states.

There is a thing in law school called a loom. It’s basically a cliffs notes written by someone on law review and for sale. A fraternity brother of mine went directly to law school while I got my MBA. Thus when I got there he was in his last year but he had taken Danny’s course and had the loom which he gave me with his annotations and people even the jokes he had annotated were same. (BTW Frank Shorter who had just won the Olympic Gold medal in the marathon sat next to me on the days he actually showed up.)

Now here’s the point of this particular story. Danny’s loom was so well known that in a criminal case a defense attorney made an argument and when he was asked for the authority supporting his argument he cited Danny’s loom and both the prosecutor and the judge had taken Danny’s course and accepted it.


The linked article exposes Fauci’s anti-science approach (SWAG) to hydroxycholoroqine. And the second link will provide any of you who want to get into the weeds on this subject the information you’re looking for. I particularly like how the first article exposes how long Fauci has been a fraud going back to AIDS and the second gets into the nitty gritty and ends with 121 questions that this fraud needs to be asked.


The entire postal service hysteria is just more left nonsense. Have any of you ever thought that the postal service was effective and efficient? I don’t think so. Our Lady of perpetual hysteria, Nancy Pelosi, is trying to use the flu and the election to fund the outrageous postal workers pensions and make sure they can use the postal service to steal the election.

One of their chief talking points is that supposedly the Trump administration is removing mail collection boxes to restrict people from casting votes in the upcoming election. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The postal service has had an ongoing program to remove collection boxes that weren’t being used and put up boxes in new places where growth was taking place. I bet most of you don’t know that during the Obama Administration 14,000 collection boxes were removed.

Lastly consider the hypocrisy of Pelosi calling the House back for the postal service but not for unemployment benefits for workers who lost their jobs and still can’t get them back because Dem governors won’t open up their states because they think that will hurt Trump.


I’ll be putting up more tonight but for now I want to comment on AOC’s 60 seconds. As I’m sure you know AOC will be allowed a sixty second speech and I had to wonder how they would shut her up. Would they bring back the hook from the Gong Show? And Rush had the same question today on his show, but apparently Rush didn’t know what I learned this morning — namely that her speech will be prerecorded. Thus she can only put up a 60 second speech or won’t have a speech.