As any of you know who read my nonsense, the whole global warming/climate change idiocy is a scam to try to destroy capitalism. Every once in a while a new research piece comes out that I feel is worthy of bringing to your attention. Today I saw the one below and although it discusses phenomena I think I have covered before or maybe I just saw years ago, it is worth reading.


I have just watched this program live and it was awesome. If you didn’t see it I would encourage you to do so. I particularly loved that it wasn’t politicized. There were portions that dealt with portions of our history that were racial but factual. The Apollo theater in Harlem was the first ever venue honored and of course that resulted in some mention the realities of race back when it started, but it wasn’t politicized just the reality of those times. The thing I will comment on is that both Jill and Magoo were there and seated next to SK and Dougie with what appeared to be a seat between them and Magoo was between Jill and SK. The most amazing thing to me was the fact that it was live and Magoo stayed awake for the whole thing. Amazing!


The federal budget process is actually a two step process. First the appropriate committees in the House authorize the federal government to spend money for certain programs and then other committees have to appropriate the money to be spent on the authorized programs. This hasn’t been done in years. I bring this up because I heard Chip Roy say tonight that he voted against the latest bill because although it went from 1500 pages to 116 pages it didn’t reduce any actual spending. Budgetary things that were eliminated were authorizations not appropriations and so the spending would stay the same. And as I commented earlier, at least some bs like protecting the criminal J6 committee was removed.


To quote William Wallace: HOLD! HOLD! HOLD! Don’t cave to the left. Keep pointing out the pork and other nonsense that the left wants to get to keep from shutting down the government. Shut it down and publicize the nonsense and the public will definitely blame the Dems for the shutdown. They will get the message pretty quickly and they will fold. And one thing that the Republicans should never agree to is a provision in the 1500 page bill that would have quashed any subpoenas demanding documents from the criminal J6 committee and Cheney and her co-conspirators. I don’t know how Speaker Johnson let that go into the bill but he should be removed because of it. He’s part of the swamp.


The fact that most government departments and agencies have money appropriated for a specific fiscal year is the reason you see them trying to push out all kinds of ridiculous last minute spending every September. If they don’t get it out, they lose it. And a similar thing is happening now because when Trump ousts Magoo, Trump’s cabinet won’t approve the bogus spending.


And I’m glad. They tried to pull the same bs they do every year and put up a pork laden funding bill at the last minute under the guise of avoiding a government shutdown. Fortunately there is a new sheriff in town and he and his posse aren’t going to play by the rules of the swamp.

As soon as this crap bill, all 1500+ pages of it, were released, Trump and Elon and Vivek made it clear that the bill was unacceptable and that any Republican who voted for it would be primaried, suddenly the bill got pulled. We finally have an incoming administration that isn’t part of the swamp and is more than willing to play hardball. And fortunately the swamp rats know that they mean what they say.

I don’t know what will happen now but if it takes a government shutdown to eliminate all the pork, most of which is Dems wish lists, so be it. As we’ve learned in the past, most of us will not even notice that it happens. Social security checks will still go out along with Medicare benefits and government pensions and the military will still be on duty. The federal employees will eventually get paid and most of them won’t be working anyway. The one good thing that used to come out of a shutdown was a decrease in traffic but since most federal employees aren’t going into the office now, that benefit won’t occur. (BTW my agency had what’s called no year money, meaning that we didn’t have to spend every penny appropriated by the end of the fiscal year for which it was allocated. We always had leftover money that would carry us for several months, and it was even crazier in the latter part of my tenure because we got our money from fees on licensees and not from the Treasury.)

And I think that in the present day where most people get their news from outlets other than the mainstream media, the blame will be placed on the Dems. The majority of the country voted for Trump and against this constant waste and fraud in the federal government and we won’t blame Trump for doing what we elected him to do. I believe that the Dems are way out over their skis and refusing to accept that they just got their asses handed to them, but they will learn.


I have ranted about this several times before but since it has become obvious that most of you don’t remember anything I write for more than a few weeks I will refresh your recollection because it bears on the ABC and Stephanopoulos $16 million settlement for defamation of Trump.

The Sullivan case established the principle that the press cannot be held accountable for defamation unless you can prove that not only did they know or should have known that what you published was false but that they did it with malice intending to defame you.

I have ranted previously about the fact that when I was at Harvard, Sydney Pollock played his film, Absence of Malice, for us for our reaction before it was released. Btw it’s a great movie starring Paul Newman and Sally Fields and you should watch it if you can.

Now as I have ranted previously about the Nick Sandman and maybe other cases that the msm is scared to death that a case will make it to the Supreme Court that will give the court the chance to review the Sullivan decision because that decision is clearly contrary to the constitution.. Justice Thomas has been an outspoken critic of that decision for years and now Justice Gorsuch has joined the fight. There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution that says that the press is to be held to a different standard than everyone else on defamation, and the msm doing everything possible to keep the case from ever reaching the Supreme Court because it would destroy their privilege to defame public figures.

BTW I should have mentioned that the malice standard only applies to public figures. Private people can sue when false information is published without regard to malice.