Although if you followed the relevant timelines, I doubt she had one. But anyway she got really bad news today. ICYMI the appellate court that will hear the Trump appeal on Fani’s ethical ability to continue to be the prosecutor set the oral argument for October 4th. That would make it virtually impossible for Trump to go to trial in Georgia before the election. Appellate decisions from my personal experience generally take a month or more after arguments which means that it would be after the election. Sorry Fani — NOT!
My only answer is that they have been so indoctrinated that they just don’t know what they’re doing. Turns out I was right. Watch the video in the link. It’s priceless!
Okay it’s Fauci but really what’s the difference? I have talked about counter factual before, look it up, but kudos to Bongino for actually putting the phrase to the phenomenon. I talked about it several times but didn’t know what to call it until Bongino explained it on his radio program. So what is counter factual? Just to remind you it is a statement that is incapable of proof. Like if you got or didn’t get the shot your outcome would have been different. There is absolutely no way to know what would have happened to me if I got Covid. I might have had no symptoms or maybe died but you can’t possibly know before it happened. I don’t get flu shots and, knock on wood, I don’t get the flu! I got two pneumonia vaccines and I got pneumonia and you guessed it my doctor told me that if I hadn’t got the vaccine I would have ended up in the hospital. There is absolutely no way he could prove that. It’s counter factual!
So what’s the point of this rant? Today Mengele testified on Capitol Hill and nobody called him out for his bullshit. He was asked about the fact that the ‘vaccines’ didn’t prevent getting or spreading Covid and his response was that in the early days it prevented many deaths. Really? Nobody followed up and said prove it! Tell me what studies you have that prove that! Or is this just like everything you have said SWAG?
Similarly, Mengele said when asked specifically about various things he advocated for like social distancing, which he admitted was just made up and I said so at the time, and masking kids and other things that it was what was necessary at the time. Nobody again said give me the studies that support that. He couldn’t because there are none! And don’t forget as I have pointed out several times, and I am still the only person to have picked it up, Dr Birx said there is no data to support what we’re doing but this is our guess for what needs to be done.
It’s time for someone with a brain to be elected to congress. Many of them are supposedly people who are former lawyers and even federal prosecutors, but none of them appear to be even remotely competent. Get your shit together and actually know what you’re doing!
I am sure some of you have noticed the hypocrisy concerning the ‘science’ by some outspoken pundits. If not let me enlighten you. People like Bill Maher and RFK Jr. are died in the wool, tin foil hat idiots on climate change and following the science even though they can’t point to a single proven scientific equation or formula that supports this total bs. All they have is computer models made up by leftist individuals, I won’t falsely dignify them by calling them scientists, that are developed with a predetermined outcome, COMPUTER MODELS ARE NOT SCIENCE!! They are SWAG — scientific wild assed guesses. And he who develops the model predetermines the outcome. As I have pointed out many times previously, most of the models count the sun’s contribution to our temperatures as zero! That’s crazy!
Now when they stutter about following the science, pivot to Covid. They are both anti Covid vaccine and all the other nonsense like social distancing and masks. But both were presented as the ‘science’ with that demented diminished dwarf, Fauci, declaring that he was the science. So if that’s the science why do you get to decide which science is real and which is not. Are you the super scientist? Of course not because neither of them have anything close to a scientific background.
So start to call them out on their hypocrisy and don’t let them change the subject! Force them to explain their hypocrisy.
I was very happy to see today that many posts and articles are finally coming out in favor of going on the offensive and taking no prisoners. Maybe I should say making prisoners. They have all kinds of ideas like indicting Magoo and Garland and Mayorkas as accessories to murder for every case where an illegal alien killed someone in their state. Now it’s true but that would take something akin to what happened in New York to pull it off. And just so you don’t forget, none of this can happen until after Magoo leaves office.
Now the reason for this rant is that no one has mentioned what I consider the low hanging fruit — namely the classified documents case. It’s like they think it’s already been adjudicated. It hasn’t. It’s already been investigated and found him guilty but it’s never been brought to a grand jury. Once Magoo is out of office, a grand jury could be empaneled on day one. There is no double jeopardy and the statute of limitations has not run. So talk about it now. It would have to scare Magoo because he knows he’s guilty and he wouldn’t have any defense. I’m sure he would soil his depends.
And just so you know, I have provided this info to several people on Truth Social but as usual I don’t expect anyone to pay attention.
I am not going to detail all the nonsense that went into the verdict. Instead I’m going to explain how I knew what the verdict would be as soon as it was announced that a verdict had been reached.
First there was never going to be a not guilty verdict given the makeup of the jury. And then there was no way it could have been a hung jury. The reason for this observation is because the judge did not enter the Allen charge.
What is that? When the jury indicates to the judge that they can’t reach a verdict, and that didn’t happen here, the judge usually gives an instruction that basically says you have a duty as a jury to reach a verdict. If you don’t you’re not doing your duty so go back and reach a unanimous verdict. That didn’t happen and this judge would have certainly have given the Allen charge. Since that didn’t happen guilty was the only option.
What I haven’t mentioned about 18 USC 242 but should have is that it requires that the offending party knew what the constitutional right was and knowingly violated it. Can a judge and multiple prosecutors claim they don’t know constitutional law? NO! Unless they quit their jobs.
First I would like to see Trump do this in his debate with Magoo but that would only give the left the ability to scream that Trump will be a dictator that only wants to crush his enemies.
So what I want to see happen is for a neutral expert like Turley or Dershowitz to come out before the verdict and remind Magoo before he gloats that the statute of limitations has not run on his criminal activities with respect to his illegal possession of classified documents and could easily prosecuted for it after Trump is in office and as I have said previously, it doesn’t have to be in DC. And in my dreams they would also mention that Merchan and Bragg and Fani and the whole cabal are subject to criminal prosecution under 18 USC 242.
J.D. Vance yesterday sent a letter to Garland asking him to investigate Merchan under 18 USC 242 for unconstitutionally gagging Trump in violation of the first amendment.
Once again I am tired of the Republicans pretending they are above the fray. The only thing Dems understand is when they suffer. Make them suffer! Your base will love you for it and screw the bs from the left. Ignore them and do what’s right.
I am sick and tired of Hollywood morons ranting nonsense with no evidence to support their nonsense and de Niro is the retarded mental midget leader of the pack. Now in case you don’t know, he didn’t even graduate from high school making him one of the people who Ricky Gervais referred to in his rant at the Golden Globes (I think) as having spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg. His whole life has been reading what other people wrote. Even in his nonsense today, he was reading a script and not very well.
And if to prove he’s a total retard, and yes I said it and it’s a good word and I refuse to abandon it for woke bullshit, I noticed when he got out of his car today that he was wearing a mask! None of his 8 or so bodyguards were. I noticed it immediately but it was mentioned by one person on the Five and since then no one else. He took it off before he got to the podium but it still demonstrates that he’s a retarded moron. No one who has a brain believes, after all the scientific studies to the contrary, that masks are effective against Covid. He’s the definition of a tin foil hat idiot and should go quietly into the dark.
PS I would never use it in referring to a person who was actually mentally handicapped.
Just heard from Dershowitz that in New York in closing arguments the defense goes first. That’s absurd. As I have said previously the normal way is that the prosecution goes first followed by the defense and then the prosecution gets a rebuttal. Requiring the defense to go first means they have to respond to what they haven’t heard. Total nonsense but at least it’s not unique to this case. However given that the prosecution hadn’t ever specified the crime that Trump was suspected to have committed, it makes it very difficult to deliver an effective defense.