I put up the link below. It’s not long but indicates that many of the changes people familiar with the industry have been advocating for for decades are included. The one new thing that I found most interesting is that NRC would be required to rewrite its mission statement to include not only protecting the public from the potential adverse effects of nuclear energy but also to protect the public from the adverse effects of not using nuclear power.
This is just a small preview of what I will put up next week on the debate. But I would like to see not only the candidates muted when the other is responding but I want the biased moderators to also be muted. Ask the question and then shut the hell up. You’re not a candidate and let the people hear what the actual candidates have to say. If you want to participate then give up your mike and take a podium where they can be challenged.
There are two things this week that beg comment. First Magoo’s non-performance at the Juneteenth event which by the way is still not here. Am I the only one who thought he looked like a cardboard cutout? Really watch it again. Everyone is‘dancing’ except Magoo and he really looks like a cutout.
Next the nonsense from Canada replacing cervix with front hole. First the front hole is the vagina!. The cervix is located inside the vagina and apparently can result in pain for the woman if her partner’s Johnson is too long. I’ve only read about this. It’s never been a personal problem.
I’m sure you’ve all heard about the $8 billion or so I don’t remember it could be more for charging stations for EV’s resulting in 8 charging stations. WOW! But I don’t know if you saw today but they also had billions to provide high speed affordable internet to fly over states and as came out today, if I remember correctly, they have provided zero so far. Now to be charitable, if you remember when Magoo put Kamala in charge of this project, I said that these people better get used to tin cans and string because that’s all they’re going to get. She’s clueless!
There were two court cases today that continue to eat away at the Chevron doctrine, which if you forgot comes from a Supreme Court case that essentially ruled that courts have to defer to decisions of administrative agencies when interpreting enabling statutes.
The first is a Supreme Court decision authored by Justice Thomas on the rule prohibiting bump stocks. It’s not surprising that he would author this opinion because as I have previously stated he is the leading voice calling for the repeal of Chevron. Now what are bump stocks? They are a device when used with a semiautomatic weapon makes it a faster semiautomatic weapon, but as Thomas points out it’s still a semiautomatic weapon. Thomas points out that machine guns have long been illegal and the difference which I discussed previously is that machine guns and all automatic weapons fire continuously as long as you hold the trigger down. Semiautomatic weapons automatically chamber the next bullet after you pull the trigger but require you to pull the trigger to fire every time. Thomas correctly noted that the ATF exceeded its authority by declaring bump stock weapons as automatic weapons because as I just explained they are not automatic weapons. You still have to pull the trigger individually for each shot. Apparently it allows you to do it quicker but you still have to do it and therefore it’s not automatic and the ATF exceeded its authority.
For a brief history of how this all came about check out the paragraphs printed below. I wanted to just post the link but apparently Forbes wouldn’t let me. I’m pretty sure that you will be reminded that this was Trump’s ATF not Magoo’s.
Bump Stocks: What To Know About Controversy Over Gun Devices As Supreme Court Drops Ban
Alison DurkeeForbes StaffAlison is a senior news reporter covering US politics and legal news.Follow1Jun 14, 2024,01:15pm EDT
The Supreme Court struck down a Trump-era ban on “bump stocks” for guns on Friday—devices that allow a semi-automatic rifle to fire shots rapidly, mimicking a machine gun—reviving a years-old controversy over the devices after they first came under scrutiny following the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting.
Vince Warner fires an AK-47 with a bump stock installed at Good Guys Gun and Range on February 21, … [+]GETTY IMAGES
June 7, 2010In a letter to bump stock manufacturer Slide Fire Solutions, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) confirms it’s evaluated the company’s bump stocks and determined they are regulated as a firearm part, not a machine gun—which would make them illegal under federal law.
October 1, 2017A gunman opens fire at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas using a firearm equipped with a bump stock, killing 60 people and injuring more than 400—the deadliest shooting in modern U.S. history.
October 5, 2017Amid calls from lawmakers to regulate the devices—including some Republicans—the National Rifle Association issues a statement saying it believes bump stocks “should be subject to additional regulations” (it has since backed overturning the ban).
October 10, 2017A bipartisan group of lawmakers introducelegislation to ban the devices, but a day later, then-House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., urges the government to restrict bump stocks using regulations instead.
December 26, 2017The ATF publishes a proposed rule that would reclassify bump stocks as machine guns, which would ban them under federal law.https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/anchor?ar=1&k=6LeLC2wpAAAAAHxdEQ59hxseRouCtGrCo22PUjuu&co=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZm9yYmVzLmNvbTo0NDM.&hl=en&v=TqxSU0dsOd2Q9IbI7CpFnJLD&size=invisible&cb=7bflnbkrxwez
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February 20, 2018Then-President Donald Trump issues a memorandum calling on the Justice Department to “dedicate all available resources” to reviewing comments on the proposed rule and coming up with a final proposal to ban bump stocks.
December 18, 2018The Justice Department announces its final rule banning bump stocks through the ATF, saying it’s “faithfully following President Trump’s leadership by making clear that bump stocks, which turn semiautomatics into machine guns, are illegal.”
March 26, 2019The final rule banning bump stocks takes effect, with all bump stock owners having to either destroy their bump stocks by that date or turn them into the ATF—and gun owner Michael Cargill immediately files a federal lawsuit challenging the ban.
November 23, 2020A federal district judge rules against Cargill.
January 6, 2023A federal appeals court strikes down the bump stock ban, after several other appeals court rulings upheld it—leading the dispute to make its way to the Supreme Court.
June 14, 2024The Supreme Court rules 6-3 that the ATF exceeded its authority when it banned bump stocks, striking down the federal rule.
Now the second case was out of a federal district court in Louisiana and it enjoined the enforcement of Magoo’s attempt to bastardize Tile IX by declaring gender as stated in the statute included gender identity. The judge correctly pointed out that when Title IX was passed, gender only meant male or female. And if you look up anything about the case you will see the judge wasn’t kind in his take down of the brazen attempt to rewrite the statute by executive fiat.
Now as I’m sure you can guess the left lost its mind declaring that the change was necessary to protect transgender rights. There are two things that you can take away from this. First the left knows that they are impermissibly administratively rewriting statutes and second they know they can’t get their nonsense through Congress so they go hair on fire crazy every time they get caught subverting the law.
First I’m tired of hearing about how Magoo loves his family and particularly Hunter. So what? The Godfather loved his family including Sonny and Michael too but that didn’t make him any less of a crime lord. So why does the left think it’s a big deal. Maybe his concern for Hunter is because he’s the family bagman and he represents the link to the criminality of the Big Guy.
Quickie two. Following on from last night’s rant, I believe that if Trump wins China will attack Taiwan before the end of the year. Or if things appear totally impossible for Magoo, they might attack earlier hoping, foolishly, that it might help Magoo in the election. In any event I believe they will attack while Magoo is in charge of our response which will be feckless.
And now a bonus Quickie. On the Five they were discussing Trump’s promise to not tax tips and my first thought was that he might try to follow through on it but it wouldn’t make it through Congress but then my devious mind said that it wouldn’t have to. He could have his IRS declare that tips are gifts and not income and they really are. You don’t have to tip and if you do it’s a gift.
I’m not going to comment on the guilty verdict. It was the only verdict possible based on the evidence and could only have been innocent with jury nullification. Maybe it means that even the citizens of Delaware have finally seen the light and aren’t going to just continue to have Magoo’s back.
But that’s not the point of tonight’s rant. The thing that you have to remember and I’m sure you do is that Magoo’s pronouncements that he will not pardon Hunter are just hot air. This guy is a serial liar and there is no doubt in my mind that he will pardon Hunter AFTER THE ELECTION from any and all crimes which would prevent Trump from actually engaging in revenge. And he will also pardon himself and his entire family for any and all crimes. If he does that he will nullify any attempt to hold his family responsible for the numerous crimes that they have committed.
I don’t think he will be so brazen as to pardon Garland and all the intelligence officials who signed the bogus letter or Bragg and James and Fani and Smith land Mechan and all the rest for illegal election interference. So there will still be the possibility of holding these crooks accountable.
I saw this in a few places today but haven’t seen it on TV. Magoo once again plagiarized someone else for his speech today in France. Watch the first video which has side by side of Magoo and Reagan.
They keep suggesting that somehow being an addict is a defense to committing a crime. You can’t win a DUI by claiming you’re an alcoholic. You’ll be found guilty and in all likelihood be required to go to AA. Likewise if you rob a bank or kill somebody, you will go to jail. Even if you’re drunk and so is the woman you have sex with, she’ll be considered unable to give consent but somehow you’ll be considered to have the requisite intent to commit rape.
So I hope that the prosecution brings it up in closing. I don’t see how they can before then, but I wish some of the pundits would talk about it now.