I was going to rant about two issues that came out of the Supreme Court today and not the immunity decision and I will but Magoo had to come out and show just how shallow he is. The decision should have been welcomed by him because of all the illegal activities he has engaged in including defying Supreme Court decisions and ignoring laws at the border which has resulted in the deaths of citizens. Instead he took the myopic view that basically anything that is potentially beneficial to Trump must be destroyed. He even lamented that the decision will in all likelihood keep Trump from being tried before the election and thereby denying the American voters the truth about J6. I thought that’s what the J6 phony committee was supposed to do. The only way that it makes any sense is if as I mentioned to a couple of you today and previously posited here is that he plans to pardon himself before he leaves office.

And as I’ve previously said, Magoo’s ability to stand at a podium and read off a teleprompter does absolutely nothing to dispel the disaster that was last Thursday. If he answered unscripted questions, it might have an effect but he didn’t even answer scripted questions.

Now for what I planned on commenting on. Two things happened today at the Supremes. One you probably heard about and the other you probably didn’t. First Justice Thomas issued a concurring opinion in the immunity case in which he questioned the legality of Jack Smith’s appointment as special counsel which is already being challenged in the documents case and I predict that the judge will rule in Trump’s favor on that issue which will destroy both that case but also what’s left of the DC case.

Now what you probably didn’t see was another decision slapping down the administrative state. The court ruled that the statute of limitations in the Administrative Procedure Act, six years, doesn’t begin to run until a party was affected by the rule at issue. Previously the law had been interpreted to start the limitations period from the date the rule was promulgated. This caused obvious problems. First if you went to court to challenge before you had actually been harmed, your case would be dismissed because of a lack of standing. On the other hand, as was the case in this case, if you entered into a business that was affected by the rule but more than six years after the promulgation date you couldn’t challenge it.

Of course the left Dei pick KBJ was just upset because it might hamper the swamp. YES! But as was pointed out by either another justice or a pundit, I don’t remember which, it shouldn’t be a problem if agencies promulgate rules that are within their authority and factually defensible.


One of you TC responded and said about my last rant with that phrase and I assumed he was referring to Ron White and I was embarrassed for not having used that phrase. Ron White was a member of the Redneck Comedy tour but more importantly a stand up comedian for decades. He has a show with the above name. I have had the dvd for many years and watch it several times a year. Close to the beginning when talking about his wife who he loves and he believes is very intelligent, and I’m paraphrasing here, said that as she gets older you can fix certain things. If her boobs sag, you can go to a doctor and say that I want those boobs on this woman and she can have tits that are as perky as an 18 year old. If her butt begins to sag you can have a butt lift and likewise a face lift and a tummy tuck and lazik surgery to restore her vision to better than its ever been but YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID! And that’s the problem Magoo has.

He has always been stupid and no amount of preparation can change that. I can’t emphasize enough how Magoo is incapable of preparing for a debate. The necessary prerequisite is the ability to respond on things that he’s not prepared for. Listen I have been in several debates and appellate court hearings and more importantly trials. I can assure you that the most important ability is the ability to respond in real time to what the other side puts forward. Magoo doesn’t now nor ever had it. If you look back at any of his previous ‘debates’ or public interactions his response was never substantive but something like fat or dog faced pony soldier.

And adding to his problems. frequently Trump didn’t directly answer questions but shifted to what he wanted to address and you could see the lighting bolts coming out of Magoo’s head as he short circuited.

I’m addressing this again because I still haven’t seen anyone point out my point that you have to be fast on your feet and can’t totally prepare for a debate. You can’t fix stupid!

The nonsense that he had a bad night is just that. Obama had a bad night and had a second bad night until Crawley falsely saved him and Fetterman had a bad night and has continued to improve from his stroke. Magoo is and has always been stupid and you can’t fix that. And his dementia will only continue to make it worse at an increasing rate.


Two things that have come up since the debate. First, although many people thought that Magoo would be given the questions before the debate and he might have, but yesterday several articles appeared quoting Erin somebody saying in disparaging Magoo that his performance was particularly bad since he knew that these questions were going to be asked. Now I didn’t see any follow up articles today because I think they realized what I did from the start. Taken in context she was merely stating the obvious. Namely all of us knew or had a pretty good idea what the questions were going to be about. There were no questions out of left field. All were expected and he still failed open. Which leads me to my second point.

Magoo came out yesterday and said he would be debating again in September and many said that Trump should refuse. My initial reaction was that Magoo might do considerably better but then I remembered the point I made yesterday. This was as good as he’s going to get. In fact in three months he’s going to be worse. Yes he might be given higher doses of drugs and so be loud but he’ll still be dumb and yesterday’s performance here didn’t change anything. He was reading off a teleprompter and still screwed up. Shouting nonsense is still nonsense. Remember my point. Magoo will have no notes and spend half his time having to respond off the cuff to whatever Trump says. He doesn’t have the ability to do that and it will only get worse before September. He’s always been stupid and no amount of drugs is going to make him smart!


Over the past couple of days the Supreme Court has issued several very important rulings. Several of them have implications for Trump and I will get to them, but first I want to talk about one that has vast negative implications for the administrative state. I’m not going to look up the names of the cases because I’m lazy and you don’t care. In the first decision the court specifically overruled the Chevron doctrine. It wasn’t a precursor as I have mentioned previously. The Roberts opinion specifically said we are over ruling Chevron. So now agencies interpretations of statutes are just not binding on courts because of separation of powers. The judicial branch is the sole branch responsible for interpreting laws ever since Marbury versus Madison. The fact that there is ultimately an opportunity for appellate courts to consider agency actions is irrelevant because they were restricted by agency findings of fact and interpretations of law. I was particularly impressed by Gorsuch concurring opinion in which he emphasized that small concerns have no possibility of influencing agency actions and decisions as opposed to large corporations. I have personally seen this in action and stepped in to stop it in one case that would take too long to explain but take my word for it.

The next decision which involved I believe the SEC, and that’s not the Southeastern Conference but the Securities Exchange Commission. The decision has major implications for all regulatory agencies including my former one. The Supremes held that agencies cannot adjudicate cases and impose penalties or fines. The sixth and seventh amendments require that such actions must be prosecuted in courts with juries of your peers and the rest of your rights under the Constitution. This will seriously undermine the power of the administrative state.

The next one which has implications for Trump in the Bragg case held that in every case all requirements necessary must be decided unanimously by the jury and judges cannot on their own impose higher penalties without the jury deciding unanimously the facts necessary for the enhanced punishment. This decision completely obliterates Merchan’s allowing the jury to convict Trump on one of three options without agreeing on which one. I would expect Trump’s legal team to file pleadings requiring the bogus decision against him to be immediately dismissed as contrary to constitutional law.

The last one is the J6 decision which held that the statute under which many J6 people were charged, including Trump, did not cover what they did. The statute requires that they did something that was designed to destroy documents or records and not just walked around the capitol. Two of the four charges Smith brought against Trump involved the bogus interpretation of this statute and must be dismissed. They might try to somehow claim that Trump asked people to destroy documents but that is just bs and they know it. Half of the DC case has to be dismissed and the rest will collapse as well.

One more thing that I will comment on is the decision coming out on Monday which will determine the extent of presidential immunity. I don’t really understand why the Magoo administration is pushing this case. In the first case it is extremely unlikely that the Supremes will find that Presidents have no immunity for actions taken during their presidency even after they leave office. But my observation is that apparently the Dems have learned nothing. Remember when Harry Reid removed the filibuster for judicial appointments to courts of appeal and then McConnell followed suit and removed the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees allowing Trump to appoint three justices. Well guess what , when Trump wins which is almost certain after last night, Magoo will have no immunity for many of his actions. Apparently they thought that their lawfare would destroy trump’s campaign but as apparent from the Bragg case that’s not going to happen. So they are just exposing Magoo to criminal prosecution.


In the case of Magoo it’s the latter! I have several observations to make but I want to congratulate the moderators on doing a reasonable job. They did have some slanted questions but nothing unexpected and they basically asked their questions and then shut the hell up. Now it’s my opinion that the reason they behaved was that their gross TDS has been the subject of much media leading up to the debate and put their credibility and that of CNN on the line if they acted the fool like they usually do.

Now the debate answered somewhat one of the questions I posited a few weeks ago. Namely what was Magoo like behind closed doors with foreign leaders where his aides couldn’t contradict him. Apparently moronic! I said somewhat because this was Magoo after an entire week, skipping his job, and studying for the debate. He doesn’t have that option for everything. So I suspect that he is actually even worse than he was last night.

Now one thing that I noticed immediately and texted a couple of you about. The split screen did Magoo in. All you had to do was watch him when Trump was speaking. He was the definition of the lights are on but nobody’s home, except in this case the lights were hooked up to a dimmer switch and it was turned all the way down. It was actually painful to watch.

There were a couple things that people missed and it surprised me. First Magoo said ILLEGAL ALIENS which I thought was an anathema to the left. Nobody has mentioned it. And he got Trump and Putin confused saying Putin gave Trump the green light to do whatever he wanted when it was supposedly the other way around. I thought I might have been mistaken, but I have a knack for picking up on things like that, and it was confirmed by a couple of you at the time it was said. I haven’t seen that mentioned anywhere.

Now I was pleasantly surprised that a couple of things came up. First Trump worked in that Pelosi took responsibility for J6 on a real time video shot by her daughter and Magoo looked bewildered or maybe that was supposed to be his you’re a liar face. I enjoyed Trump telling Magoo that he could be indicted and tried as soon as he leaves office, but he didn’t go far enough. I wanted him to point blank ask Magoo why he stole classified documents in violation of the Espionage Act and kept them in a box next to his corvette easily accessible to his addicted and now convicted felon son.

I am confused about how they got his meds mixed up. I’m sure we all expected juiced up Joe and instead got the normal bumbling idiot we see all the time. It’s like they gave him downers instead of uppers, and the nonsense that he sounded so weak and raspy was supposedly because he had a cold which magically disappeared after the debate. Today he was here in Raleigh and we got SOTU Magoo which we haven’t seen before or after the SOTU. And then Jill returned to form and acted like the schoolmarm she supposedly is. First I’m sure you have seen the video of her having to help him off the stage and then she condescendingly praised him for “answering all the questions “ WTF was he supposed to do? Ask for a swap out question like on cash cab? She sounded like a elementary school teacher praising a six year old for not shitting himself in class.

And I would be remiss if I didn’t comment on the golf handicap nonsense at the end. Now I was once a 4 handicap and now I haven’t played golf in five years because of my back m but I could still beat Magoo. And in reverting to form Magoo fell back on the equivalent of his push up challenge and said that Trump couldn’t carry his own bag. I wanted so bad for Trump to say Joe you and everyone else knows you couldn’t walk the first hole let alone carry your clubs. Hell you couldn’t even carry your beach chair.

One last thing I almost forgot to mention is something that I should have mentioned previously. I said that Trump should let him speak because there was no way Magoo could be coherent on his own for two minutes and that was proven correct. However what I should also have mentioned is that all the talk about debate preparation was misplaced. Yes you might have been able to beat into him talking points but you forgot that of his 45 minutes almost half would be responding to the points Trump made and you can’t practice that. You have to be fast on your feet and you can’t really practice for what Trump is going to say because he doesn’t know what he’s going to say. He is fast on his feet and glib.

Later tonight I will rant about several very important Supreme Court decisions issued over the past couple days.


The last point I made is the most important point. Trump needs to understand that he has an opportunity to actually be heard by people who have never heard him or the truth about Magoo. He doesn’t need to pander to his base. They’re his and nothing he’s going to say will change that. But he will be addressing for the first time people who only know bs from the leftist msm bubble and don’t know anything else. They were indoctrinated in school and only tune into leftist propaganda. Use your opportunity to reach them and maybe cause them to rethink the bs they’ve been fed.


I was going to wax eloquently about what Trump should do but it’s pretty much already been covered by everybody. It’s important that he not take the bait which the moderators will throw at him and throw it back to the issues that are important to voters like inflation and crime and the border and when Magoo tries to play down inflation point out that even with his counting is continued to grow and the basket of goods and services that they base official numbers on doesn’t include gas and groceries.

Likewise when Magoo claims that he created 15 million jobs, point out that people you forced out of their jobs because of phony nonsense from Fauci and him. These people returning to their jobs aren’t being created by you. The only jobs he’s created are 88,000 new IRS agents to harass middle and lower income families. The rich are already being audited every year.

When they bring up J6 continuously, Trump needs to say that is not what the voters are interested in. I never encouraged anyone to storm the Capitol and now video shot by her daughter has Pelosi admitting in real time that the breach was her fault. It was supposedly an insurrection of unarmed people — unheard of ever before. And the only person killed was an unarmed veteran who was shot by a rogue cop who you covered for and who has been promoted and I promise you that when I’m elected my DOJ will conduct an honest investigation and if he committed murder he will be prosecuted.

I also hope that he throws back at the moderators that they ask Magoo what he has say about his reason for running in 2020 that he has claimed that Trump said there were good Nazis and white supremacists. It has been proven false from the beginning but Magoo continues to spout it. Will he apologize now that even Snopes has admitted that it false.

And push to have Magoo admit that the laptop is real and his campaign ginned up the bogus letter from 51 unintelligent individuals to cover for him during our last debate. You stood there and bald faced lied to the American people.

The other thing I want Trump to do is to throw the whole race thing in Magoo’s face because it’s important because many who will be watching have never been told that it was the Dems including Magoo that were the party of segregation and Jim Crow and opposed the civil rights act and the voting rights act and Magoo with his mentor Robert Byrd, the grand cyclops of the KKK, and he fought against busing because he didn’t want his kids to go to school in a racial jungle. He championed a crime bill back in the 90’s that effectively incarcerated an entire generation of black men.


The photo of crying Chuck Schumer trying to grill a cheeseburger got a lot of criticism this past week but for the wrong reason. All the talking heads on Fox shamed him for putting cheese on a raw burger claiming that it is not done. Now I knew you didn’t do what Chuck did maybe from watching my dad or maybe intuitively but something was nagging me about it. Then I realized that what they said was bullshit. I get hamburger patties from the grocery store that have bacon and cheddar cheese in the raw patties. You put cheese on top of hamburger or other meats before you bake a pizza and I’m sure you could come up with countless other examples. So what was Schumer’s real problem? Explain how this idiot was going to flip the burger.


I hope you have seen the video of Magoo trying to get in a car. It’s painful to watch. He has trouble even lifting his leg to get in the car and it takes him forever. It is the most damning video I’ve seen. You may never have seen it because the only place I have seen it is on Hannity. I’m sure it’s somewhere on the internet.