He’s got Covid again. He’s taken every shot and booster and keeps getting it. I think it’s about five times now. So what does that tell you. First the shots don’t work and they actually make you more susceptible to Covid. So why are they still pushing this bullshit?

BTW did you see Magoo trying to get up the little boy stairs at the back of Air Force One? He’s not only brain dead but becoming more physically impaired by the day.


Today Magoo addressed some NAACP gathering in Las Vegas on the anniversary of the passage of the civil rights act. Now this takes huge cojones first for them to invite him and then for him to address them on this subject. Let me remind you that Magoo and his mentor Robert Byrd, the grand cyclops of the KKK, vehemently opposed that law and the voting rights act and school integration.So why would you have this moron address you on this subject?


First I still haven’t wrapped my head around what would have happened if the assassination had been successful. Who would be our nominee? Would it have guaranteed a second Magoo term? Or have resulted in a Republican landslide? Would it have led to more violence? I have no answers and thank God I don’t have to find out.

Now I need to recognize that my prediction that the attempt would lead to Magoo being the Dem nominee and all the momentum to oust him had vanished. However even Schitt is now saying that Joe must go because it will lead to a Republican landslide up and down the ballot. And the reason is that Magoo didn’t do what he should have done and lay low. Instead he continued his effort to try and prove that he’s not a moron and up to a second term by having daily events and interviews and with each one it becomes more apparent that he’s brain dead.

Now if you didn’t see it today, Sean Davis in The Federalist laid out the evidence for his belief that Magoo and his administration are responsible for the assassination attempt.

Now to talk about the convention today. Sanders and Carson and DeSantis and Lara Trump and Youngkin gave outstanding speeches. As is always the case Vivek was head and shoulders above the rest. He remains head and shoulders above the rest. He is the most intelligent and most eloquent of any of them and brought the entire convention to its feet throughout his speech. Nikki Haley was lame and gave a half hearted endorsement of Trump. She must be aiming for a position in the administration.

The most important thing in my mind was the speeches by every day Americans. This is something that the Dems can’t do. What are they going to do, bring out some well off person thanking Magoo for transferring their student debt to all of us? The thing along with their stories that really struck me is how they were able to deliver their message before a huge audience. Now a few might have gotten some experience from frequently addressing the press about their stories but most were not people who had much in the way of public speaking experience. And I can assure you and as I’m sure you know, this is not an easy thing to do. For most people it takes a lot of practice and experience to do it. And then it’s still a very difficult job. They all did admiral jobs and bought tears to everyone’s eyes. Big shoutout to them and the Republicans deserve kudos for putting them on.


I still don’t know who was ultimately responsible for this debacle but I have some thoughts and questions. First they have still not ruled out a second shooter. I don’t mean someone who actually fired because we would probably have heard of it by now but on the other hand the deep state told us for decades that Oswald acted alone but now we know the grassy knoll shooter was a reality. And if there was a second potential shooter then I would lean toward the CIA because they’ve done it before with JFK and they are dead set against Trump because I guarantee that he will eviscerate them and restore our intelligence agencies to doing what they’re supposed to do and not targeting us and interfering with our elections.

Next I’m questioning the Secret Service. I’d refer to them as the SS as one of you has done in text messages, but that designation has connotations that I don’t want to make. First there is absolutely no credible way that they didn’t have their own assets on that roof. It was the closest site with a clear unobstructed line of sight to Trump. Even a moron would have taken that roof out out of play. So why didn’t they?

Now for some facts you may not know. The secret service was created in 1865 as part of the Department of the Treasury and was for the first 40 years of its existence primarily involved in countering counterfeiting. In the early nineteen hundreds it was also tasked with presidential protection after the assassination of McKinley. And going forward that task was continually expanded to more positions and lifetime coverage.

In 2003 it was transferred from Treasury to Homeland Security where it is today effectively putting Mayorkas in charge of Trump’s security. And Cheatle the Director of the Secret Service has repeatedly refused requests for more protection for Trump and so has Mayorkas. Bongino has credibly reported this based on his contacts within the Secret Service and he is a member of that fraternity.

Cheatle, a female DEI appointment herself, has prioritized hiring more women and lowered standards to bring that about. Competence is no longer important when that should be the only consideration when protection of a president or former president should be the only consideration. As a point of consideration, there were women who didn’t appear to know what they were supposed to do and in one case the female agent who was part of the scrum that was supposed cover Trump and she did her job but only came up to his chin leaving his face exposed to further fire. The number one requirement for the detail tasked with putting themselves in the line of fire to protect the president must be at least as tall as the president. What good does it do to have a group walking the president to the protection of his vehicle if he’s taller than they are?

So I think you could say that Magoo was responsible and today it appears that he benefited. He was having a very difficult two weeks and was being pushed out of running. Today his team and supporters are saying that the coup is now dead and Magoo is and will be the candidate.


Magoo just couldn’t speak without doing what the msm has been doing and trying to say both sides do shit like this. No they don’t. Magoo couldn’t help himself and brought up apparently the fabrication that Pelosi was personally attacked on January sixth and then that Gretchen Witmer was the subject of a kidnapping attempt to say the MAGA people do this too. However it has been credibly proven that the supposed kidnapping was actually an FBI operation to try to discredit the right.


I have some ideas but will wait until we know more details tomorrow. Was there one shooter or two? How did a sniper get on a rooftop a couple hundred yards away from the podium with clear line of sight to Trump. I am anything but an expert on presidential protection but even I know that should never have happened! So I’ll wait until more is known to weigh in.


I thought that the left would circle the wagons around Magoo after his moronic NATO speech on Tuesday but that didn’t happen and I posited that was because they were waiting for his ‘big boy’ presser last night and they didn’t disappoint. When he didn’t fall down or totally freeze for a few seconds, although as I pointed out last night he did frequently lose his train of thought saying anyway, they rallied around him claiming that his nonsense was a masterclass in foreign policy and national security. (The above was written before Gutfeld where some of it was covered but I’ll finish it ANYWAY.) As Robert Gates once said, Magoo has been on the wrong side of every major foreign policy and national security issue for four decades. So how does this now brain dead moron suddenly deliver a masterclass in anything much less foreign policy?

Answer, he doesn’t and didn’t. Please tell me what brilliant insights he espoused. He didn’t actually answer any of the pre approved questions. Tell me what brilliant idea he has to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon which was actually approved by the O’biden administration. What is his actual position on Israel versus Hamas? He’s trying to appease both sides to try to get votes from both the Jews and the antisemites. Good luck.

He said he didn’t want Ukraine to be able to bomb Moscow but apparently has no problem with Putin bombing Kiev. Explain that. My only answer is maybe he’s concerned that the wife of the former mayor of Moscow won’t ship $3.5 million more to his family.

What’s he doing to stop China from continuing to eat our lunch? Nothing because he and his family have been given millions by China and its state owned companies.

Why is North Korea ramping up its nuclear tests and ICBM testing? I don’t recall this mastermind telling us.

And I already discussed his nonsense about our relationship with NATO.

So please explain what masterclass he gave. It would not qualify as a poor foreign policy 101 class.


I forgot to mention two more things that Magoo said. First he said, out of context as was much of what he said about Trump, that former president allowed our computer chip industry to be sent overseas. Guess what, that was the Obama/Biden administration.

And the second was his claim that Trump said he would abandon NATO. No what Trump said was the Europeans were treating us as suckers and not contributing their required amount to military spending and expecting us to protect them anyway and if they didn’t do what they were obligated to do then we wouldn’t protect them. And immediately they all ponied up. I wanted someone to ask Magoo if the other NATO members quit funding their military if he would still use American blood and treasure to protect them.