Kudos to Boy George. Before I get into all her policy flip flops, I first want to remind you of the phoniness of her touting her record $100 million fundraising in one day. Remember that the Dem donors froze $90 million until Magoo was kicked off the ticket. So that’s another false narrative.

As I have said previously she is at best a midwit and never had an original idea. You all know that she slept her way into politics and up the chain. She is now apparently planning to run a prosecutor versus felon narrative, but what kind of prosecutor was she? She jailed a lot of blacks for marijuana use and then laughed when admitting she used marijuana. She refused to release a person who was wrongly convicted until forced by a court. She kept people in jail after their terms had expired because she wanted to use them as cheap labor.

And then when running for the Dem nomination she advocated for defunding the police and cashless bail and open borders and decriminalizing illegal border crossings. She advocated for a bail fund in Minnesota for the criminals who were involved in illegal activities after the Floyd riots. When she got involved they were taking in about $270,000 a year and now they have about $42 million and she’s still advocating for them.

And as I have said before, she’s just a narcissistic bully. When she is in a position of power like a prosecutor or when she was in the senate she is just an obnoxious bully. When she was in the senate in a confirmation hearing, she would act all tough but as soon as whoever she was denigrating started to respond she reclaimed her time to prevent them from pointing out her bs.

When she didn’t have the bully pulpit, like in the debates in 2020, she folded like a cheap suit when confronted. Tulsi Gabbard totally exposed her and she went down hill fast.

And the last thing I will mention is how poor a speaker she is. I know some of you think she’s good but then again you probably also think Obama was some great orator. He wasn’t and totally dissembled when he wasn’t reading off a teleprompter. I found him to be snarky, condescending and arrogant. Kamala fits the same mold except for the cackling. There is nothing compelling about her speaking. Sorry.


I’m tired of hearing all the pundits on the right claiming that replacing Magoo is anti democracy. Yes he got all the votes but only because the Dems rigged the primaries to prevent anyone other than Magoo from running. And more importantly, they hid Magoo’s mental acuity from them. They would not have voted for him if they knew he was a vegetable. So their votes were falsely cast.


I put up a rant recently explaining why Michelle Obama wouldn’t run and would be destroyed by Trump et al. However today Magoo bowed out and Kamala got not only his endorsement but that of most prominent Dems, even the Clintons. However while the Obamas said Magoo did the right thing but they refused to endorse Kamala, and that set off alarms in my head. It occurred to me that if they nominated Michelle at the convention, it might be too late to effectively attack her. Early voting starts just a couple of weeks after their convention, which is why I’m dead set against anything more than ten days and only in person, and there’s always a honeymoon period after the nomination for Dems and so it is possible that she could get elected because there wasn’t enough time to point out who she is. Hopefully that’s not going to happen but with such a short timeframe it’s possible. Heaven help us.


Although Magoo wants to stay asleep at the switch until January, I don’t think they will let him and it’s not because of his mental problems. He’s been mentally deficient for his entire presidency and whoever has been actually making the decisions could continue to make them.

I think that the Dems won’t be able to pass up the chance to have the first woman president and the first woman of color, although I’m not sure what that color is, be a Dem, an unelected Dem, but still a Dem and it would add a little help for the next election by granting the cackler in chief incumbency. I don’t think it will help much but it could help a little. They won’t be able to pass this up and Magoo could bow out gracefully claiming medical problems.

If he stays in, they will either have to keep him in the basement for the next 6 months or have him demonstrate how bad his condition deteriorates every day. Remember I predicted that Magoo wouldn’t be able to get up the little boy stairs at the back of AF One by September. Last night one of the Fox News pundits predicted that he wouldn’t be able to walk on stage for the Dem convention in August.


And I sent this to Bongino today but if you didn’t follow my previous rants my point is that a shooter to right of Trump would have had his crosshairs on Trump’s temple and when Trump turned to the right those crosshairs would have been on his forehead or eye not his ear. Simple geometry. This question needs to be answered and no one is questioning the bs being put out. I’m disappointed in people like Bongino who should know better.


My last rant wasn’t some kind of supposed intellectual observation. It was basic high school physics as I’m sure many of you have taken and relies on the basic laws of motion. A bullet coming from one direction cannot be simultaneously be coming from the other direction. It’s impossible. There has to be a separate bullet coming from the opposite direction. Likewise it is impossible for a bullet to be simultaneously be traveling 90 degrees from the path it’s on. Not genius just reality.


From all the diagrams that have been put up the assassin was on a building to Trump’s right. He turned to the right to look at a chart and that saved him. That wouldn’t have saved him. It would have killed him. The photo of the bullet whizzing by Trump came from the left and that explains why his turning to the right saved him. I’ve talked to one of you about this and he agrees. So why hasn’t anyone asked this obvious question? Way too much bs going on here.

BTW Why were people in front of Trump in the crowd hit by shots coming from parallel to Trump on his right?


First I thought Trump did a great job last night. It could have been a little shorter but as any of you who have watched a Trump rally know he speaks that long all the time and in someways it was an in your face FU to Magoo who couldn’t stand up and give a coherent 90 minute speech if his life depended on it. And as an aside, I predict that Magoo won’t be able to get up even the little boy stairs by September. I have been watching closely his physical deterioration and he is declining rapidly! How are they going to cover up having to carry him up and down stairs. He already needs assistance to get in and out of the Beast.

And another thing that I learned from Tarlov tonight, and it’s extremely rare that I learn anything from this moron, but she had Trump’s written speech and it was 3000 words and his actual speech was 12,000 words meaning he was speaking extemporaneously for three quarters of his speech. They do everything they can to keep Magoo from saying anything that is not on the teleprompter because he always screws it up.

Now to get to the purpose of this rant, Magoo or whoever is actually speaking for him came out with a response that could have been written before Trump spoke and dwelled on what Trump didn’t say. As always they created a false narrative to run against and try to take down Trump. Like the Russia collusion crap and the Handmaid’s Tale, they are now trying to run against Project 2025. Now for those of you who don’t know Project 2025 is a 900 page treatise by the Heritage Foundation and other very conservative organizations that is basically their wishlist. Trump had nothing to do with it and has distanced himself from it. He’s running on the Republican platform which is less than twenty pages, but since they know they can’t beat him on actual policy, they are creating a cheap fake to run against. Total bs.

It would be like Trump finding some far left wishlist and then imputing it to Magoo and running against that instead of Magoo’s policies. Oh wait, that is Magoo’s policies.


And one that I can agree with because it makes perfect sense. Now as we all know the Dems are planning to cheat their way into the Oval Office again. The article or maybe it was just a comment from some pundit says that Magoo’s numbers are so bad and will continue to drop as his mental decline accelerates that the voters will not believe that he could possibly win. Last time the race was very close and so while a lot of voters had questions, it was not outside the range of possibility. This time they won’t buy it. And so Joe’s got to go. They need a candidate that can at least be close enough that they can successfully cheat again. The push to get Magoo has nothing to do with his mental state. They only care about remaining in power.

They have already begun trying to set up the cheat. They want to put unmanned ballot boxes in urban areas in Michigan which is contrary to either constitutional law or statutes and this time the republicans have filed suit now instead of waiting until after when we know they will be dismissed. There are many other examples but the important thing is that this time the Republicans are being proactive. And I have my doubts that whoever they replace him with will poll any better and make the cheat impossible. Let’s hope!