Earlier this week I had intended to comment on something that Bill Clinton said, and was only reminded of it by something tonight when they played SK’s nieces explaining how to pronounce their aunt’s name — comma la. But guess what and you can go back and watch it because it struck me when it happened. Clinton continuously referred to her as camel la but no one called him out for it. You can only mispronounce it if you’re a Dem. And I’m pretty sure I have heard her ‘mispronounce’ it.

PS. Phonetically it’s pronounced camel la. If it was comma la it would be Komala.


Let me start off by saying I don’t know what effect that Kennedy’s endorsement will have on the election. I would like to think it would give Trump a comfortable victory. However I have seen polls that say that his withdrawal adds votes to SK. Now I don’t know how that’s possible unless all the Dems who were in his camp were anyone but Trump voters who will fall back into the D fold. I hope that Trump’s saying that he will appoint Bobby to lead a group to look into what’s being done to our food that has led to many long term medical problems will garner him some support.

Now as I’ve said repeatedly, Kennedy is a total cuckoo on global warming and Trump needs to keep him far away from anything to do with the GND.

Hopefully this alliance will be a positive for Trump.


I just unfortunately watched her speak and she said nothing except to denigrate Trump. She didn’t explain how she would do anything. She’s all talk and no substance. And has always been the point of this convention, she pretended that the mess we are in was not created by her administration. If you have all these great ideas why haven’t you done them on your watch? Total bullshit!


To quote Macbeth: “It is tale by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” That pretty much sums up day three.

Bill Clinton demonstrated that he is about four years behind Magoo in the dementia sweepstakes. He sounded awful. Got lost several times, fumbled words and said absolutely nothing of substance. His whole speech was saying we have to elect SK to fix what SK broke? He also thought he was clever taking shots at Trump but he wasn’t clever at all and if you noticed the audience rarely got excited about his empty rhetoric. He was a shadow of his former self.

Shapiro demonstrated why SK didn’t pick him. Not only is he a Jew, but he would clearly overshadow her. He’s actually lucky she didn’t pick him because he has a future now. He has charisma and a good imitation of Obama, but as I said at the beginning, he said nothing. Just empty platitudes.

Oprah was much the same and wasted a lot of time talking about stuff from decades ago and just more empty platitudes. What amazes me is how people on the left think that abortion is the single most important issue in the country. Forget if you can afford food and shelter or if you can safely leave your house. As I’ve said before, there is no reason that any woman should become pregnant if she doesn’t want to other than rape or incest and those are exceptions in virtually every abortion statute.

Now for Tampon Tim. He was actually better than I expected because he didn’t do anything completely stupid. He glossed over his stolen valor and his lies about IVF being responsible for his family. He said nothing of substance but didn’t put his foot in his mouth. He lied about a lot things but I’m sure that the Republicans will point out. One thing he said that struck me was an implication that Trump and republicans want to be in your bedroom. That’s just total bs. Abortion has nothing to do with controlling your sex life. It’s about what to do with the results of your actions. You’re free to do whatever you want to do in the bedroom. And once again he ran against project 2025 because he can’t run against Trump’s real policies.


First now that the whole birther thing is coming up again, let me remind you that the attack was originated by Hillary. It was put out by her campaign back in 2008 when she was running against Obama. And just so you know that there is some substance to the issue, there was ( I don’t know if it’s still up. ) a video of Michelle on a trip to Kenya during Barry’s presidency opening her remarks by saying that it was good to be in the country where her husband was born. And Obama had on his CV page for his publisher that he was born in Kenya and raised in Hawaii etc. A couple of weeks before he announced he was running for president, he changed it to say that he was born in Hawaii with Kenyan parents etc. I know I put the second point up but it would have been long enough ago that it was in the first five years of this blog which are now gone. I don’t know if I put the first point up. Now at this point I don’t care because he got away with it even if he lied. There is no remedy and so let it go unless you have incontrovertible proof.

Next in a continuation of what I and everyone else has been saying that if SK has all these great solutions, why hasn’t she implemented them in the past four years? Now the Obamas and Hillary and the whole crowd are not talking policies because they lose badly on those but instead are now talking about hope and change and feelings and vibes. But when they say we need hope, they are ignoring that they have been in control for the last four years and 12 of the last 16 years. They are running against themselves. They think that you’re too stupid to notice. As someone on the Five said today, they want you to erase the Magoo years and consider Trump the incumbent responsible for the mess they made.

Lastly, although I should never say that because past history suggests there’s a 50/50 chance that by the time I finish this thought a new one will come to mind, anyway I’m sick and tired of hearing them blame all the lost jobs during Covid on Trump. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Remember that Trump only called for a I think two week pause to slow the curve. It was the governors that shut down their states. People like Tampon Tim and Newsom and Cuomo and Pritzker and Whitmer and our own worthless Cooper. They are responsible for trashing the economy and Magoo with his vaccine mandates. So start firing back at this bogus talking point.


First he once again used his Hitler copying yelling speech. And next if you watched when they panned the audience, many of them looked bored and only raised their signs because they were paid to do so.

He repeated his many lies including the already continually disproven lie about Charlottesville. And lied about his record. I particularly enjoyed that his daughter Ashley introduced him. She is the daughter that in her diary hinted that he molested her as a child and made her shower with him in the nude when she was a teenager.

And I couldn’t overlook Tampon Tim looking like he was about to cry at everything. This guy is as phony as a three dollar bill! He couldn’t be more phony.

I may have more comments tomorrow.


The three words that could make SK (yeah I’ve shortened it because I’m lazy) implode. When she says stupid stuff like snatching your patents simply ask her and then what? Does she plan to build a government factory to produce the pharmaceuticals or just permanently ban the specific drug at issue or hire some other company to do it, and I have serious doubts that other pharmaceutical manufacturers will cooperate. Maybe she plans to ask China or India to produce it. So what are the people who need the drug supposed to do for a year or more while she plays around. And I don’t want to throw in the fact that she in all likelihood can’t legally do it.

This is just one example and I’m sure you could all point out others but the point is she’s all hot air leftists talking points. She’s never even thought about how she could implement them. So in the debate Trump just has to use those three little words to call her bluff.


I saw an article today that suggested something brilliant but believes that it’s unlikely to happen. But it would be awesome and the ultimate F U to all the people Magoo thinks have screwed him This includes the Obamas and the Clintons and Schumer and Pelosi and the rest and also Special K for calling him, rightfully, a racist in 2020, and more recently for trying to run away from their policies.

Magoo should end his speech tomorrow at the convention by saying that he has received some recent medical advice and he believes that he must resign in the interest of the country that he has always put above everything. And make clear that he believes Special K will continue to carry out their joint policies. I’ll let you imagine how that would blow up the convention and S-K’s campaign. MIKE DROP!!!


Isn’t it ironic that Special K now claims to want to expand tax credits for newborns when the cornerstone of her campaign is insuring that you can kill them up to the moment of birth, and in the case of Tampon Tim even after they’re born. In Minnesota there are a half a dozen cases each year where children who were supposed to be aborted but lived and then were left to die. He signed a bill that said physicians have no duty to treat and save such children!