While I do believe that listening to SK is much like listening to Professor Corey, there is one huge difference. He was a comedic intellectual genius who knew exactly what he was saying. She’s a complete moron who doesn’t even know what the hell she is saying.

Late last night instead of listening to music on YouTube, I watched old videos of Corey on Mike Douglas and Merv Griffin and laughed my ass off. I would highly recommend it.


I came across this article today and then Levin said the same thing on his program tonight. In case you don’t know who he is, I have talked about him before and he was a great comedian who billed himself as the World’s Foremost Authority. He was hilarious giving ultra-intelligent sounding rants on any subject that said nothing. Both the article below and Levin have compared SK to him and the parallel is spot on.


It dawned on me listening to SK tonight that she is really smart to avoid public speaking altogether. I’ve been critical of her inability to speak off teleprompter because she’s incapable of responding to questions. She just doesn’t have the smarts.

However I realized tonight, listening to her read a multitude of lies, that the more she talks the more annoying I find her voice and mannerisms. She’s a terrible speaker! It grates on my nerves to watch and listen to her. They should keep her in the basement. Every time she opens her mouth, she alienates more people.


As I have been suggesting for sometime, SK doesn’t have the mental ability or agility to be a successful prosecutor. I have questioned her claims of prosecuting transnational drug cartels because there’s no way she could concentrate for the amount of time necessary.

Well it turns out that someone actually did the research and there is no evidence that she ever was the ‘first chair’ in any prosecution ever. She was a buffoon. (Sounds a lot like the McDonald story.)

In case you don’t know, first chair is the lead prosecutor responsible for trying the case. I can’t tell you how bad you would have to be to have never been the lead in 13 or more years supposedly trying cases. As I’ve mentioned before due to the fact that the division I was in didn’t try cases until after I got there, I was always first chair throughout my career and it blows my mind to think how bad she must have been to have never been the lead.


The reason that the last rant resonated with me was that it is reality. I could win hundreds of millions of dollars in the lottery and I would never be accepted as part of the elite and neither would you. Never mind that I am certainly more intelligent than at least ninety percent of them and so are you. That doesn’t matter. It only matters if you have the correct credentials and nothing else. That’s why Trump is opposed by the ‘elites’. He’s not part of their supposed inner circle. They will humor him and pretend to like him and accept his generosity but they will never let him in because they don’t own him. He breaks down their doors and if he gets re-elected he will destroy the deep state and them once and for all.


A couple of articles you may have missed but will definitely enjoy. The first shows that SK had a teleprompter in the Oprah interview and her supposed video audience contained duplicates.

The second is hilarious.


He ended his show tonight with what has basically become a talking point on the right which is total nonsense. The Dem party and elites did not pick SK because they could control her because they didn’t pick her. They didn’t want her. Magoo in a big FU to them immediately endorsed her because they stabbed him in the back. It was his revenge! Obama et al wanted an open convention where they could install someone more electable.


I haven’t talked about this recently but today WAPO put up a graph of the earth’s temperature over the last 485 million years and it shows that we are at one of the coolest places, if not the coolest place in the earth’s history. Enjoy.