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Alright today Kevin McCarthy unveiled his Commitment to America and it was as I expected from this spineless buffoon. There is no specific commitment. It’s all just we’re going to do good shit. There is no promises made promises kept. It’s all pablum.

Newt’s Contract with America had very specific commitments and 10 bills they would introduce. Kevin’s bullshit has nothing and that’s why when we take back the house he should never be speaker. He’s a swamp rat and the epitome of all hat no cattle


First I want to say that I know I haven’t ranted in a few days but that’s because as I have said frequently, I only rant when I think I might have insights that most don’t or came across something you probably didn’t. This isn’t a job and I get nothing from it. It’s not a job requiring me to provide content everyday and those that have to spend most of their time pontificating on stuff that I have already seen.

So what’s the point of this rant? Well if you recall I have previously ranted about what would happen if you home schooled or sent your child to a school that actually taught the basics and then they had to take the SAT?

Well that question has been answered. A few days ago I saw an article that said that the College Board, the group who puts out the SAT and other academic tests has developed and sent out a K-12 proposed curriculum based on CRT. Knowing real stuff will actually disadvantage kids!


One of you has suggested that I owe Judge Jeanine an apology and that may be the case. Apparently, although I knew drugs were somewhat available in jail, I didn’t realize the depth of the problem and so I do owe her an apology. Although I would still take the thirty days in rehab over a year in jail because even if I could get the drugs I need, at what personal cost and then there’s that problem with being sodomized or killed.


I know she said she wasn’t recently, but her actions say otherwise. First she’s on tv constantly and now she and slick Willy are essentially reopening their Clinton Foundation scam. They are holding their first Clinton Global Initiative since 2016. It appears that they want to once again use the scam to get more money and I don’t see anyone contributing to the scam unless they think she might be in a position to give them something. Just my thoughts.


Today on the Five Judge Pirro said something again today that never really registered with me until today when I realized it was nonsense. She said, as she had several times previously, that when she was a judge she would offer drug addicts a choice between going to rehab and or a year in jail and they always chose jail because they wanted to continue to be free to do drugs.

Amazingly, I have never been in either one but I have seen my twins in rehab and for the first three to five days they are basically in lockdown to dry out and then alcohol free and kept that way for a month they got counseling. There was absolutely nothing to stop them from getting drunk the day they got out.

Now here’s my dilemma with the judge. I’m pretty sure that you can’t continue to do drugs on a daily basis in jail for a year and so you’re going to be pretty clean when you get out and I’m pretty sure you get drug counseling in jail. So why would you choose a year of drying out over a month. I just don’t understand but maybe that’s because I don’t know what parole conditions are added to the rehab but I’m pretty sure no one walks out of rehab totally alcohol and drug free and immediately gets high. And I’m also pretty sure that after a year of sobriety or drug free no one goes immediately back to their old ways. So I don’t understand Pirro’s point.


Ok I forgot that many of you may not know the purpose of the deliberative process exemption from the FOIA. The purpose is that decision makers need to be have all options and opinions put before them without individuals having to to hold back opinions because they don’t want their opinions to be made available to the public. And that’s important and I support it. But the final decision needs to be made public.


Hopefully most of you know that Magoo issued an executive order requiring every agency to develop a plan to get out the Dems vote. He’s essentially using our money to replace the Zuckerberg bucks from the last election that many states have banned. The agencies were supposed to present their plans recently but no one can get them. DOJ has refused to turn them over under the FOIA claiming they are exempt under the deliberative process exemption (b5) but that’s total bs. I am an expert on the FOIA and actually created a rule that was subsequently adopted across the board that drafts couldn’t be released only the final document or the final draft if there was no final document because if you could get every draft and see what changed you could see the deliberative process.

DOJ is claiming that the final document is exempt under this exemption. That is total and complete bullshit, contrary to the basic purpose of the FOIA, and they know it. They are banking on the fact that an appeal won’t be decided until after the election.

Republicans please win and hold all these idiots accountable.


Please tell me why Fox News is running commercials that encourage people to get Covid boosters when the data clearly indicates that they are harmful and more likely to end in bad outcomes than not being vaccinated at all much less boosted. This is the height of disinformation!

And it’s all based on the unproven and unable to be proven counter factual nonsense that the vaccines and boosters will result in a a better outcome for you. There is absolutely zero chance that they know and could prove this.

Hell I don’t understand why anyone is still pushing the jab when it’s demonstrably proven that not only doesn’t it work but increases your odds for a bad outcome. As always I think you have to follow the money. Which politicians and swamp creatures are getting paid to push this crap.


I’m sure you have all heard about about the FBI seizing the cellphones of Trump’s lawyers and confidants including just recently Mike Lindell the my pillow guy and it raises serious constitutional questions. But my point. Instead of issuing subpoenas which you could move to quash, they got warrants which allowed them to seize them and then after it was too late you could contest it.

Now here’s my point. If the republicans take back one or both houses of Congress, they need to demand to see the basis for these warrants and consider impeachment of the judges who issued them. This has to stop and the only way it will is when people are held accountable and suffer consequences, including not only the judges but also the FBI liars who provided the false affidavits to get the warrants.


On the Chris Salcedo show he had a guest named John Lott whose group did a study of the voting in the 14 swing states during the last election and they found that few of them complied with federal law which requires them to keep a record of who voted and how many votes were cast.

But here’s the point of this rant. The one county that claimed to have impeccable voter data was Cobb County. The problem is that there were 30,000 more votes than people who voted. And where is Cobb County you ask? It’s Atlanta where we saw the suitcases pulled out and counted as many as three times and it has never been debunked. Let’s not forget that Magoo ‘won’ Georgia by 12,000 votes.