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First I voted today. I got a milkshake from B&R and got in a line of similar length and had Clay and Buck on the radio and relaxed. For the first twenty or so minutes, the line didn’t move but then there appeared to be several more poll workers who got involved and the line started moving and in about a total of about 45 minutes I voted. It appeared that they learned from last week and adjusted to the turnout for early voting. Good on them.

The next thing I heard SK say that she would have a Republican in her cabinet. Guess what SK, Liz Cheney is not a Republican! Neither is Kinzinger or Romney so quit lying. There is no way you would ever put a real Republican in your cabinet.


I have a son who is brilliant in math and physics and has a white board in his living room much like you would see on the Big Bang Theory. He is also fluent in French and will be receiving his degree in French with a minor in math or physics, I’m not sure which, next month. He speaks better French than a few of his professors and classmates from French speaking countries can’t believe that French is not his native language. As an aside our last name is French. My father’s father was from the Alsace Lorraine region of France and was half French and half German. The name was from the French part. All the rest of my ancestors were pure German.

The point is that he is not an idiot but when it comes to politics, he is clueless. He is the son I have talked about before who thinks that Rachel Maddow is the most unbiased straight shooting journalist in our times. He knows absolutely nothing about economics and once asked me aren’t corporations corrupt. And he knows nothing about government and how it works or the constitution or the administrative state. He is also the gay son which clearly dominates his political views and even said in the text I will discuss below that he might be forced to leave the country if Trump is elected because he’s going to round up gays. He’s not going anywhere because he has no where to go like all the others claiming they will leave.

Now what triggered this rant is that last night I texted him about my trying to vote early but not being able to because of all Trump voters voting early. We don’t discuss politics because it’s a waste of time and he always gets him going to crazy town and I didn’t think this short comment would set him off but it did.

He wrote a very long text saying he couldn’t understand why his mother and I could vote for Trump because it represented the opposite of everything we had raised him to believe. And then he went on to claim that we couldn’t vote for Trump without voting to have our grandchildren destroyed. Something he always does.

But most importantly, he then went on a rant about all that Trump is going to do under Project 2025. That’s right. All these people believe something that is not true. Namely that Trump supports or had anything to do with Project 2025. The left has convinced their base that something that isn’t going to happen will happen. I could go on but you get the picture. They believe that all the SK bullshit is true. That’s what we are up against and you all need to get out and vote to prevent the nightmare that would be an SK administration. We can’t let a total moron without any real moral convictions and who is to the left of just about anyone in politics win. VOTE!!!


First let me tell you I tried to vote today but the turnout was so big that I gave up and will try again on Monday. I was in the car line for handicap voting and there were 9 cars in front of me and there was no movement for at least twenty minutes. That’s good news for Trump.

Next before I get to the Al Smith dinner, let me tell you about something I saw today that reveals all you need to know about SK. At an appearance in I think Wisconsin a person in the audience yelled out something like Jesus is god and her snarky response was you are at the wrong rally. I may be off on the exact words but you get the point. She’s all in for Muslims.

Now if you watched the dinner last night as I did, you know that Trump killed it. Now I believe that he should have been shorter but he demonstrated once again that he can extemporaneously talk.. He should have skipped the campaign rhetoric. It wasn’t necessary and was inappropriate. However getting to the point of this rant, he was funny and relatable. SK didn’t show because she is stupid and thin skinned. She can’t do anything where she might have to think on her feet. And HFJ to the contrary notwithstanding, she is an idiot. You saw it here first. She was even a DEI law student. She’s just plain a dumb megalomaniac. And that’s the real difference between them. She’s a hologram and he’s real.

PS I know he read most of his jokes but he ad libbed much of the follow ons


Again my apologies but I don’t know how many of you who could answer that question. I know one who has an MBA besides me but I would guess that few of you others who could. Now that’s not a knock on you because there is no reason that you would know that answer. But if you want to be president you should know. Trump does.


I forgot to mention that all the national security people SK mentioned supporting her are people that Trump fired. And all the supposed economists supporting her have been wrong almost all the time. As you know I believe economists are all frauds. Economics is called the dismal science because it’s not science.. It’s SWAG. Scientific wild asked guesses. Anytime you deign to pontificate about human behavior you’re just making it up. You can’t possibly know how we are going to react to anything.


First I want to give kudos to Brett. He did much better than I expected. He followed up more than I expected based on his past performance. He missed a few things that I will point out below, but overall he did much better than I expected. And his use of actual videos of her was brilliant.

Okay once again this is extemporaneous. I took no notes and so may forget somethings that I will address tomorrow if I remember them.

First she proved my point that she is totally incapable of responding to a question on the fly. At least 90% of her responses, irrespective of the question, were talking points from her stump speeches. And the rest were Trump is evil. She’s an idiot and continues to demonstrate it.

She went back to her talking point that she is the only candidate that has actually prosecuted transnational cartels and Brett didn’t ask her based on what we know now to name one case she has ever prosecuted. She couldn’t because she didn’t. He didn’t hold her feet to the fire.

Next when she said that she has only been a national candidate for a few years and not a political person , Brett should have said Trump was never a politician until he ran for president in 2016 and she has never held a non political position in her life. It was an easy follow up that he missed.

He asked her about the border and she totally failed open. She couldn’t explain how or why her administration canceled all of Trump’s policies, 94 I think, that closed the border. She simply ignored the question and made the same lame excuses claiming that her administration immediately proposed a bill to fix immigration. As Brett pointed out that bill basically granted a path to citizenship for all the Illegals. Kudos to him because I have never heard anyone on a national platform call her out bs.

Now for what I consider Brett’s biggest failure. When she was confronted with things she had said in the past, like decriminalizing illegal border crossings, she said that she would follow the law. Brett needed to ask her if she would try to change the law to comport with her wishes.

SK really failed open when she tried to pretend that the she didn’t know that Magoo was cuckoo for coco puffs. That answer alone should cost her the election.

BTW when she was confronted with the tragedy of Laken Riley she faked sympathy but never has she or Magoo ever called her family.


I have been telling you forever that SK Is an idiot and now others who always knew it are now apparently free to say it. Came across this article today and I’m sure you will enjoy it.

And I want to remind you of something I ranted about years ago. Recently Obama, I think at the disaster that was his condescending, lame hectoring of black men, tried to once again take credit for Trump’s economic success, claiming that it was his policies that Trump inherited that was responsible for Trump’s economic successes. As I said back then and I will repeat now. The Trump economic success was because he canceled Obama’s policies. He removed all kinds of economy killing Obama regulations, opened our energy production and lowered taxes. Plus he used tariffs to level the playing field.

PS He also brought back the manufacturing jobs that Obama shipped overseas and claimed Trump couldn’t bring them back.

BTW when she talked about her false concern for Laken , neither she or Magoo ever called her family.


Now I know you have all seen the video of Vance taking down Martha Raddatz where he destroyed her. So what’s the point of this rant? The left always says that a Republican mayor or governor says that it’s not true that what Trump claims is right. Like in Springfield Ohio where Trump and Vance reported that Haitian illegals were eating pets and ducks. The Republican mayor and the Republican governor were financially benefiting from the illegal immigration. The mayor bought up apartment buildings and raised the rent to force out residents and then rented them to illegals who the federal government was paying for. I don’t recall now how the governor was also benefiting but he was.

Or in Aurora Colorado where gangs took over apartment complexes and the mayor said it was just a minor problem that was taken care of. It was not.

People please understand that these politicians, be they republicans or Democrats, are only trying to cover their own asses. What Politician is going to admit that he’s lost control of his city? None! Take what they say with a grain of salt. They will never admit their failures. And ignore the presstitutes spin.