Fortunately it was short probably because she can’t even read a teleprompter for more than 20. minutes without screwing it up. Now as always her entire speech was just one lie after another. J6 was an armed insurrection resulting in the deaths of many Americans? Really they were unarmed, invited in by the Capitol Police and the only one who died was an unarmed veteran, Ashli Babbitt, who was murdered in a cold blood by a cowardly capitol policeman who was then promoted. And the Inspector General of FBI is holding off his report on J6 until after the election because it will expose the truth about the FBI’s involvement in fomenting the alleged coup and how many FBI agents and operatives were involved.
She continued running against Project 2025 because she can’t run against Trump’s record because she has done nothing good. And as you know Trump had nothing to do with Project 2025 and has disavowed it.
She continued to bring up her prosecutorial bona fides but was careful not to embellish them too much because she knows that she has been exposed as a fraud in that area.
She offered nothing but promises. She did not say anything about what her policies would be other than unlimited abortions without restrictions and amnesty for all illegals and the ridiculous notion of stopping the price gouging of groceries, which doesn’t exist. The higher price of groceries is because of her ridiculous energy policies.
Her entire tirade was Trump is bad and we need to turn the page from him, But the page is hers. She wants us to elect her to fix what she broke. It was a ridiculous speech and if you watched when they switched to crowd shots, many of them waving flags looked like they were paid to wave them, which they were no doubt given them by her campaign. There was no emotion on their faces.