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After raising and spending over one billion dollars and actually over two billion dollars if you count the PAC’s contributions, her campaign is now twenty million dollars in the hole. The advisory class got rich and she lost.

This is the reason that there are a bunch of never Trumper’s from the same bunch of parasites like Jonah Goldberg and George Will etc who never backed Trump because he didn’t feed them at the trough and won without them in 2016 and now in 2024. He did what he wanted and didn’t pay homage to the people who thought they deserved to be paid for absolutely nothing.


I have seen a couple threads today that are asking where are the 15 million Dem votes that were there for Magoo but didn’t show up this time, and they are suggesting that it’s some republican conspiracy to keep them from voting. And I find it hilarious that they are actually demonstrating what we all know. There were never voters responsible for those votes. They were all bogus votes and now that the Republicans were ready for the cheat, they disappeared. We all know that there was no way Magoo, brain dead Magoo, got 15 million more votes than Hillary or Obama. They stole the last election but this time the RNC was ready and the cheating was greatly eliminated.


This moron will now be a senator. I was sincerely hoping that we would never have to hear from this pencil necked moron again. Unfortunately that’s not true, but hopefully whoever is the next majority leader in the Senate keeps him off any committee having anything to do with national security. He should be prosecuted not rewarded.


I chuckle every time I hear about Magoo needing to raise $300 million for his presidential library. Why? He could just stack all his classified documents next to his corvette in the garage. And frankly there is nothing worth cataloging from his presidency other than documents showing his corruption selling out the country for cash.


On day one, Trump needs to, with respect to many other things, fire every single person who is in a position in the Plumb Book. And if you don’t recall what that is, I have talked about it before but it is every position in the government that serves at the pleasure of the president. He shouldn’t telegraph it before but should have the federal police go to their offices and escort them out without letting them take anything with them and then find out what they were actually doing. I’m sure they would find out much about what they were up to.

And as an aside, I chuckle every time I hear the morons on the View talk about uneducated people. As I have pointed out previously, Behar and Whoopi never went to college and I’m not sure but I think Whoopi didn’t even graduate high school. They are talking about themselves when they talk about the uneducated.


I forgot to mention the effect that Lara Trump and Michael Whately had on the election. They got out the Republican early vote and more importantly had 500 attorneys in every state ready to attack every bogus move by the left to change any election laws and it worked. There are no lawsuits being filed to contest the election and SK has conceded! Kudos to them..


I come before you this evening with a heavy heart. NOT!!! HAHAHAHA!! Last night was fabulous and a well deserved victory for Trump and more importantly a tremendous victory for each and everyone of us. We are much brighter than they give us credit for and we proved that YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID. She was and is stupid and we recognized it. Thank God! So now it’s actually time to TURN THE PAGE!

Now enjoy your ecstasy for a few days but remember that in an election that should have been an even more overwhelming landslide for Trump given the border and the economy, almost 50% of the electorate voted for an ignorant, unaccomplished empty pantsuit. They are truly uninformed and I loved one of the many montages today of people losing their minds over the Trump victory. I particularly enjoyed a video of one young black women who was crying saying she could be a slave tomorrow. This is the supposedly informed voter group as opposed to us ignorant rubes. They are all still out there and will do everything in their power to reverse the will of the people. Keep on your toes because these idiots are still out there getting all their information from the likes of Joy Reid and Rachel Maddow. Btw Maddow started her Russia nonsense yesterday even before the race had been called and you can count on it escalating from here on.

Lastly I want to comment on something I said a couple of months ago about the stock market being connected to the presidency. Two of you gave me grief saying it wasn’t true. Today the DOW is up 1400 points because of Trump’s victory. I rest my case.


This will in all likelihood be my last rant before the election unless something truly mind blowing happens tomorrow. So here is is a CV of the wannabe president moron. It was sent to me from one of you and details what I have put up here for more than a year. I don’t know where it came from so cannot credit the author but makes clear just what an incompetent, unaccomplished idiot she is. How can anyone with a double digit IQ vote for her.

1981: Graduated High School in CANADA, where she grew up since the age of 12.
1981: Attended Vanier College in Montreal, for 1yr.
1982: Transferred to Howard University, is held back. 1986: Graduated Howard University
No US Diploma & took 5yrs to complete a 4yr undergraduate degree.
Kamala got into law school through an affirmative action program called the Legal Education Opportunity Program. As the underachieving daughter of Professors, Kamala is a prime example of how AA was abused, and why it is illegal, today.
1987: #82 Law School in US
1988: #82 Law School in US
1989: Graduated from it: Hasting College of Law
1990: Staff Lawyer DAs office in Bay Area (all newbies are called eg “Assistant DAs” or “Deputy DAs”, etc.)
FAILED Bar Exam and, after needing a do-over, eventually passed. NOTE: Kamala Harris was a below average law student & only 18% of her UC Hastings law classmates failed the bar that year.
1991: Staff Lawyer
1992: Staff Lawyer, then Employment is terminated.

1993: Began affair w/Willie Brown, twice her age.
(Finally registered to vote at Age 29, despite telling everyone she was an avid “feedumb” advocate since childhood.)
1994: Willie appointed her to high-paying job on Unemployment Insurance Board.
Kamala had no Insurance Experience though, so the Press took notice of inappropriately appointing his mistress to public political positions & wrote about it, even in, eg, The Los Angeles Times, etc.
1995: Kamala quit that Board as Willie appointed her to a different high-paying 1 that required fewer hours & just once a month meetings – CA Medical Asst. Commission.
Yet again, Kamala had no Medical or relevant Legal experience, though. More bad Press shared this truth.
fine & fee processing, filing at CCU in SF for that DAs Office.
1999: Caught neglecting to properly file exculpatory evidence in George Gage case—led to 70 year prison sentence. Press was all over it.
Nothing Else Nothing Else
Willie sent her back to a Staff Attorney job, managing

2000: Had to leave there, so Willie sent her to work as a Staff Attorney at SF City Hall, working for city attorney Louise Renne, doing filing for child abuse & neglect cases.
2001: Same
2002: Lied about Prosecutorial Record. Press was all over it.
( Google Search shows no video, pics or any evidence of Kamala Harris actually prosecuting a case, talking to press after she did, etc., like normal DAs Office Attorneys do, etc., bc she never actually did.)
2003: NONETHELESS, powerful local politician & Mayor now, Willie Brown, admitted he miraculously helped get Staff Attorney Kamala elected as San Francisco DA!!
2005: 2006: 2007: 2008: 2009: 2010:
2011: cases
Refused to seek death penalty for cop murderer. Refused to release records of sexually abusive Priests.
Elected as CA AG by 0.5% margin.
Withheld information leading to 600+ drug-related being tossed.
2012: } Threw 1,500+ people behind
2013: 2014:
} bars over marijuana offense

} and refused early release of

2015: 2016: 2017:
} prisoners bc of cheap labor. Elected to the CA U.S. Senate seat.
Chanted “down, down with deportation” at parade
w/hoaxter Jussie Smollett.
2019: Entered 2020 presidential race—dropped out over no support from her own State, due to her publicized abysmal history & lack of real experience.


First I’m unsure of whether Magoo is intentionally trying to sabotage SK or just continuing to be the thin skinned stupid bully he’s always been. Remember I have been saying for years that he can’t form a coherent response to anything and that his first response is always to attack someone. I am certain that he and Jill want to see SK lose big as revenge for kicking him out, but I don’t think he could have responded any differently even if he was still running. I don’t think he’s capable of doing anything else. He sure didn’t have the ability to plan that response in advance.

You know SK shit herself because she was planning on beating the Puerto Rico joke to death and then Magoo not only stepped on that but overshadowed her closing argument. BTW how can you make your closing argument and then campaign for another week. It’s like me making a closing argument in a case and then calling several more witnesses.

Something that you may have missed but I saw in a couple of places today is that Trump missed a big chance to turn the tables on SK. It turns out that the place of her speech was the place of a large KKK rally in 1930 something and unlike the nazi bs, the Dem party was the party of the KKK, and of course she comes from a family of slavers.

Lastly Trump on the garbage truck was pure gold and the ad-libbing the reason he wore the vest on stage was because his staff told him it made him look thinner. Genius.