First I saw a commercial for Burger King last night and was immediately startled. They have a new add which says that they are fighting global warming by having their cows eat lemon grass so they emit less methane and will save the planet. It even showed up in various media outlets today. Let’s stop virtue signaling.

Second, I read an article today by Victor Davis Hanson about the decline of the NFL. The point I want to make about the article is that he said if the NFL wanted to promote diversity as they claim, then they would make the NFL 13% black as they are in the population instead of 80% as they are in the NFL.

Now as all of you who have followed me from the beginning know I have been ranting about the nonsense of using disparate impact incorrectly forever. VDH didn’t use the term but was dealing with the same nonsense. Remember I said that when the O’Biden Bama administration was trying to destroy college athletics, I said okay let’s make sure that college basketball teams reflect the racial composition of their schools.