First I want to give kudos to Brett. He did much better than I expected. He followed up more than I expected based on his past performance. He missed a few things that I will point out below, but overall he did much better than I expected. And his use of actual videos of her was brilliant.

Okay once again this is extemporaneous. I took no notes and so may forget somethings that I will address tomorrow if I remember them.

First she proved my point that she is totally incapable of responding to a question on the fly. At least 90% of her responses, irrespective of the question, were talking points from her stump speeches. And the rest were Trump is evil. She’s an idiot and continues to demonstrate it.

She went back to her talking point that she is the only candidate that has actually prosecuted transnational cartels and Brett didn’t ask her based on what we know now to name one case she has ever prosecuted. She couldn’t because she didn’t. He didn’t hold her feet to the fire.

Next when she said that she has only been a national candidate for a few years and not a political person , Brett should have said Trump was never a politician until he ran for president in 2016 and she has never held a non political position in her life. It was an easy follow up that he missed.

He asked her about the border and she totally failed open. She couldn’t explain how or why her administration canceled all of Trump’s policies, 94 I think, that closed the border. She simply ignored the question and made the same lame excuses claiming that her administration immediately proposed a bill to fix immigration. As Brett pointed out that bill basically granted a path to citizenship for all the Illegals. Kudos to him because I have never heard anyone on a national platform call her out bs.

Now for what I consider Brett’s biggest failure. When she was confronted with things she had said in the past, like decriminalizing illegal border crossings, she said that she would follow the law. Brett needed to ask her if she would try to change the law to comport with her wishes.

SK really failed open when she tried to pretend that the she didn’t know that Magoo was cuckoo for coco puffs. That answer alone should cost her the election.

BTW when she was confronted with the tragedy of Laken Riley she faked sympathy but never has she or Magoo ever called her family.

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